Using NSFileProviderService

I've configured an item and placeholder in NSFileProviderExtension iOS extension, and an XPC service in the provider (based on the template for XPC service for Mac, but as part of the NSFileProviderExtension

When connecting to the service from the app using code example in getFileProviderServicesForItem I am getting an error straight in the completion handler of that function:

Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4097 "Error while sending identifierForItemAtURL:completionHandler:" UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=Error while sending identifierForItemAtURL:completionHandler:, NSUnderlyingError=0x2833640c0 {Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4097 "connection from pid 30324 on anonymousListener or serviceListener" UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=connection from pid 30324 on anonymousListener or serviceListener}}}

Could you maybe suggest what I am missing? Or, is there an example somewhere of the FileProvider extension with the service being called from the app?

Code: File Provider service definition:

Application code that calls the service:

Thank you!

Could you file a Feedback through Feedback Assistant? Please include a sysdiagnose from the device which is encountering this failure, and note the timestamp of the failure in the feedback.

Please install the iCloud Drive logging profile on your device before reproducing, in order for the sysdiagnose to be the most helpful. See instructions here:

Thank you, I will do it tomorrow!

Submitted as FB10035749

Using NSFileProviderService