App is failing to deliver via transporter due to SDK issue

I have been using below versions to build the application and those are same as per the requirement specified by Apple, but still it is giving me the below error when I’m trying to upload the application to testflight.

These are the versions I’m using:

  • Xcode -: 13.4
  • iOS Sdk -: 15.5
  • Expo-Cli -: 5.4.7
  • Expo -: 41

Here is the error I’m getting:

Note: I have also tried to verify the app before delivering but verification is also giving the same error

Hey @Mike-in-NM, Thanks for posting this question on the developer forums!

One way to confirm which iOS SDK your application is actually being compiled with is by checking out theInfo.plist from the compiled binary and checking what is being injected. The Info.plist would be found at the below path.


You would want to check what the value of DTSDKName is set to. If this is not iOS 15.5 like expected, then the file is not being compiled with the iOS 15 SDK.

If this is the case, one thing to check would be your Command Line Settings under Xcode --> Preferences --> Locations --> Command Line Tools and make sure the latest version of Xcode Command Line Tools are selected.

Hopefully this helps and happy coding! Let us know what you find out!

Hi @ChuckMN, Thank you for your response. I checked the command line tools and I'm using the latest one.And regarding Info.plist as I'm using the expo-cli for development so the application don't have native folders like iOS and android or files. I also don't have info.plist file, as I'm using managed work flow by expo and it is handling those things. What would you suggest in this scenario. Thanks in advance.

Hey @Mike-in-NM, Thanks so much for the additional information!

Since Expo is in the middle of your development efforts and getting to Apple, I would suggest also posting in the Expo forums if you have not already just to get help from those who specialize in using Expo.

How are you trying to upload the application to TestFlight? If you have access to the IPA file and are attempting to upload through Transporter, you will be able to use the below commands in order to find the Info.plist file.

unzip /Path/To/IPA.ipa

The Info.plist will be in the /Payload/*.app/Info.plist location.

Hopefully this helps and happy coding!

App is failing to deliver via transporter due to SDK issue