Is there any API to use Transporter services?

I'm developing an in-house app which receives a bundle from a POST request and i have to upload that bundle to the App Store. So i did some research and found that i can upload my apps to the App Store manually using Transporter tool. The problem is that i need my app to upload this bundle for me, automatically. For this reason, i'm asking you if there is some kind of API to use the Transporter services through my own app, or if the only way to upload apps to the App Store is using Transporter manually. Thank you.

Hey @adriannanin, Thanks for posting on the Apple Developer Forums!

I would suggest leveraging altool which is installed as a part of the Xcode Command Line Tools. As long as Xcode is installed, you will be able to find out more information on how to leverage this using the man page by opening Terminal and entering the below command. This one command line tool has so much power and should have a wealth of information to learn from along with search the internet on various implementation models.

man altool

I would recommend leveraging the App Store Connect REST API authentication method instead of user tokens, but user tokens are still valid if you would like to leverage them.

I would also recommend always validating your applications before uploading them, but this is a legacy practice and not a hard and fast rule.

If you have not heard of a tool like Fastline, there are many tools like it that support automated uploading to App Store Connect, but if you have unique needs or additional security concerns, writing your own solution may be of more value.

Hopefully this helps and happy coding!

Is there any API to use Transporter services?