Can't upload to AppStore - Invalid Provisioning Signature

After updating the Xcode to 13.3.1, and after some time since my last release, I can't seem to upload my app to AppStore.

And I get the following error:

Invalid Provisioning Profile Signature. The provisioning profile included in the bundle 'MY BUNDLE HERE' (Payload/ cannot be used to submit apps to the iOS App Store until it has a valid signature from Apple. For more information, visit the iOS Developer Portal. With error code STATE_ERROR.VALIDATION_ERROR.90165

I'm not sure what I broke with the latest update, since it worked fine until now. I tried messing with Archive Scheme in Xcode, I tried adding new provisioning profiles (AppStore and AdHoc) on the site, but it doesn't help.

My gut's telling me that the solution is obvious, but...

Same here!!, yesterday upload, today i can't :(

Has anyone using fastlane match been able to resolve this issue? We just recreated our distribution cert/profile a month ago and it has worked for several app submission up until today. Recreating the cert/profile in Xcode isn't a (long term) solution for us.

We also use fastlane match and we solved by following the steps here


I got this problem also.

Thank you so much to those suggesting the fix of adding a new app distribution certificate in Xcode. I was uploading the final build of my game before submitting for review and hit this snag but the fix works.

Apple certainly doesn't make things easy on us, do they? But you all rock!

One one of my machines I have two expired certificates: "Apple iPhone Certification Authority" and "Apple iPhone OS Provisioning Profile Signing"

It expired (UTC +0) Tue, 12 Apr 2022 17:43 (10:43 PDT)

Seems very related...

I also had the same issue.

I got the same issue on my XCode 13.0

But I got it to work now as I tried the below steps:

  • Create a new Apple Distribute Certificate
  • Remove Distribute certificate from my KeyChain
  • Download the new Certificate and put it back on Keychain
  • Remove my account from Xcode and re-login

Hope this helps.

No need to remove certificates. Just regenerate the provisioning.

Hope this helps.

Same issue. Yesterday it was uploaded, but not today.

same here [Xcode Version 13.3.1 (13E500a)]

I'm also having the same issue today

same here!

Same issue happening to me on 13.0

I also have the same problem XCode Version 13.2.1 (13C100) 

Regenerated only profile - worked

Same issue...

Same issue here Xcode 13.3

Same issue here

Just created a new profile manually and using that fixed the issue.

I had the same problem...

Why it is happening, don't you know?

same, Xcode 13.3. Regenerate profiles, clean profiles folder does't resolve it

Creating new distribution certificate did help for me.

For me regenerate profile doesn't work, but i found solution:

Go to:

  2. Select your Identifier
  3. Check and uncheck some capability - Access WiFi Information - for example
  4. Click Save

same xcode Version 13.2.1 (13C100)

Can't upload to AppStore - Invalid Provisioning Signature