ARKit / RealityKit : Serious entity drift when moving the phone?

iPhone 13 Pro Max 15.4.1 Xcode 13.3

After this update, when the RealityKit moves the phone after anchoring the entity, the entity drifts very seriously. Have you encountered the same situation?

Hi, did this behavior start with iOS 15.4.1, or was it present in iOS 15.4 as well? It would also be great if you could send us a sample project of this issue on Feedback Assistant and post the feedback ID here.

Hi, I've encounter this a few time. Try switching your environment. In my case the environment was too plain (It was a white table). I simply coved it with a blanket/carpet at the top of the table and it started working fine.

ARKit / RealityKit : Serious entity drift when moving the phone?