App Crashes on launch TestFlight

I have a completed app that connects to a python API I set up and some NodeJs servers, and I am trying to upload my app to TestFlight to test it. It archives fine and uploads to App Store connect, but it doesn't pass the review saying "My app crashes on launch" so they are unable to test anything. It still works fine on my real device when I plug my iPhone XR into my Mac. I do have the crash logs from the submission but I honestly don't know how to read them. It says that the crash reports are fully symbolicate but I don't know if they really are or not. I haven't attached them since I don't really know what important information to block out or not. But they do not fully specify the problem. It is hard to debug this issue since the app works fine on my side so I do not know what is happening once it gets to the review side. Also if anything else is needed to help figure this out, like parts of my projects build settings or configurations please let me know and I'll be happy to post them. Thank you.

Or any help on how to properly view/read a crash report. I am fairly new to app development and Swift in general. This is my first app that I am trying to get up on my own. Any help on which way to go now would be appreciated.

I'm having a similar issue where its crashing from testflight/appstore but works fine on Xcode, but error related FBLPromises framework. Troubleshooting Ive tried mentioned on other forums hasn't worked

Checkout Quinn's post for Posting a Crash Report to learn more about acquiring, diagnosing, and posting your crash log.

App Crashes on launch TestFlight