Universal Control and multi-user support

Hello, I find that Universal Control does not work when I am signed into two user accounts at the same time on my MacBook Pro 16 (both with the same iCloud account).

Also, it only works from time to time, even when I sign into only one account. Has anybody else found a solution to making Universal Control work consistently? I've tried toggling the options, restarting machines, toggling Wifi and Bluetooth.

I am seeing the same problem. I have an M1 MacBook Air, iPad Pro, and an iMac. The MacBook Air has 2 accounts with the same iCloud account, it seems to associate a device to each account. The iMac only has 1 account.

Account 1 connects to the iMac, but not the iPad.

Account 2 connects to the iPad, but not the iMac.

After many reboots and log-outs of each device eventually it did work. Now all 3 devices are connected and functioning properly. It took about 30 minutes of trial and error before I could get them all to connect.

Universal Control and multi-user support