Build IOS new version app stuck, it says processing

I upload my new version game(1.9.17), but it stuck on TestFlight, it shows in-process and takes longer than usual( normally takes in an hour). And I've tried uploading a new one(1.9.18), but it still sucks. How can I handle this? Thanks

The build I uploaded yesterday is still coming out as processing. Apple server side issue

I got the same issues. It's been over 2 days

I have the same problem. Is there any information on this issue?

We're also experiencing the same issue. Apple Developer Support suggested following the App Thinning process ( however we already do this so wasn't anything new to try.

We received an email to the team agent account with an error:, looks like a problem with bitcode.

Without bitcode works perfectly, I disabled it for now until apple fix this problem.

Build IOS new version app stuck, it says processing