Promoting the paid app from the "lite" version

Hello, let's say that at a certain point I have two published apps on the App Store.

One is the main iOS application, that is a paid app, and the other is a limited version of the main one, like a "lite" version.

Let's say that they are both published because the lite version was accepted by the reviewers (indeed it is what should happen).

The lite version is a complimentary app that can be used for just using the main functions when some third party provided you the content.

But some users could be interested in having the complete version to be able to author or edit the content themselves.

I would like to know if it is acceptable that in the "lite" app

-there is a button clearly pointing to the App Store page of the main app

-a menu entry

-a hyper-link in the guide.

-other options


I see nothing that should forbid an information text or button with a link to the AppStore. And that should be enough, as long as you provide enough information on the appstore.

Promoting the paid app from the "lite" version