Upsell subscription during trial

We would like to upsell our users after a few days of trial to a new higher subscription, with users that were upsold staying on trial.

For example:

(1) user subscribed to yearly at 59.99 with 7 days trial period

(2) on day 3, while on trial, we offer a higher subscription at $89.99

(3) on day 3, the user subscribes at $89.99 a year and stay on trial until the end of the trial (4 more days)

The trial could also be extended. We just want to make sure the trial doesn't stop on day 3.

If we use a new subscription in the same group, it seems the second won't have a trial.

If we use a different subscription group, the user might have to pay and then cancel, which seems a little complex for users.

Any recommendation for this scenario?

Thank you


Same subscription group is correct, if both products have a Free Trial Intro offer configured, then the customer should retain their existing free trial period. Verify your products “levels” setup in App Store Connect are as desired to provide the desired upgrade/downgrade experience (instant vs deferred). For more info group setup see

Please test and verify behavior in Sandbox