altool seemed to be working correctly, but then failed after upload finished:
$ xcrun altool --upload-package ../exports/OurApp.ipa --type ios --apple-id <apple-id> --bundle-id <bundle-id> --bundle-version 291 --bundle-short-version-string "3.1.5" --apiKey <api-key> --apiIssuer <issuer> --show-progress
Getting list of providers...
Beginning delivery...
Analyzing package…
Requesting app information…
Requesting asset description upload id…
Sending analysis to the App Store…
Waiting for response…
Requesting upload instructions from the App Store…
Preparing to upload package to the App Store…
Uploading package to the App Store…
**status code 401, auth issue.
*** Error: *** status code 401, auth issue.
*** Error: Error uploading '../exports/OurApp.ipa'.
*** Error: Unable to authenticate. (-19209)
Note that --list-providers
seems to work just fine with the same credentials:
$ xcrun altool --list-providers --apiKey <key> --apiIssuer <issuer>
Getting list of providers...
ProviderName ProviderShortname PublicID WWDRTeamID
------------ ----------------- ------------------------------------ ----------
Whatnot Inc. <redacted> <redacted> <redacted>