App Store Sandbox returns products with updated price, but purchase dialog shows older price

Hi --

We have auto-renewable subscriptions available in-app. About a year and a half ago, we introduced a price change to these products, and we opted to keep the original prices for existing subscriptions.

Today, while testing the subscription in the sandbox, we noticed that while the products are returned with the updated price (this correct price is displayed in the app), the App Store purchase flow shows the old price.

I am using a brand new sandbox test user. When I open the Settings -> App Store -> Sandbox User -> Manage page, it lists our subscriptions with the old price.

We are trying to understand where the discrepancy comes from. Is the sandbox subscription data cached somewhere? Can we clear this data? Can we force it to be refreshed from the production subscription prices?

Is this an issue on sandbox only, or will it affect our production app?

I am running iOS 14.4.2 on an iPhone 8 Plus.

Hey Eli, I am experiencing the same issue and wondering if you ever got this resolved?

Was it a sandbox only issue or did this happen in production as well?

Appreciate any insight into this. Cheers

Exactly the same issue here.

In our case the production environment is showing the correct price, it's just the sandbox IAP flow that is incorrect.

We're experiencing the same issue, and we keep getting rejected by the App Store review because of it. Would greatly appreciate any hits on how to solve this.

App Store Sandbox returns products with updated price, but purchase dialog shows older price