Cannot create a temporary .itmsp package for my app with Transporter

Hi, I added my app to Transporter but I got that message:

Apple support confirmed my Bundle ID was ok.

Any suggestion?



Hi again Steeve,

"com.baobabeducation" does not look like a valid Bundle ID.
It looks like a Bundle ID prefix, which would normally be followed by the app-name, something like: com.baobabeducation.MathVenture // or whatever...

(By the way, from your previous question, when you mark a forum answer as correct, you mark the correct answer, not your response to it!)

I received a email from Apple Support telling me there is no issue with my Bundel ID.

So I tried what you have suggested and here is the message error:

If you have any other suggestion, please let me know.



My IPA name is IOS_app_Suites_et_regularites.ipa . Do you think that makes a difference?

I changed the name of my app for Mathventure. Same result :-(

Hi everyone,

Good news, I found a way to solve that issue. Regarding to my research, many developers have also that issue. Hopefully, that will help you. So here is how I solved it:

  1. I followed these 3 steps:

Creating A Provisioning Profile that comes with the extension .mobileprovision.

Creating A Certificate file (with a password) that comes with the extension .p12.

Creating An App ID to represent my app on the App Store.

  1. I have uploaded my app with Transporter, but received that message: 

"Could not create a temporary .itmsp package for the app “appname.ipa” "

  1. I have opened Terminal, and typed in xcode-select --install . 
  2. I have emptied the cache of my computer (from there, it started to work well...)
  3. I have downloaded Xcode app (you will need it for verification from Apple)
  4. I shot down my computer
  5. And I have tried Transporter again :-).


Cannot create a temporary .itmsp package for my app with Transporter