ITMS-90896 Error when uploading binary with Transporter


I have an app with an Intents extension and a Widget extension that is failing to upload to App Store connect. I am receiving the following error and I have no idea how to fix it

ERROR ITMS-90896: "Invalid Mach-O header. The __swift5_entry section is missing for extension bundle Payload/[AppName].app/PlugIns/WidgetsExtension.appex, which prevents the extension from running. You can run the otool command against your binary to ensure there is a __swift5_entry section."

This worked fine a couple of months ago on last submission.

Thanks Alan

Same for me, also only in my WidgetExtension.appex, probably since upgrade to Xcode 13.2

Facing same issue, still no solution found

A solution: Rebuild the app extension target from scratch in Xcode.

Someone posted on the site that they had solved this by deleting the widget and recreating it with the current version of Xcode. After carefully documenting all the settings I had to make my Widget extension work in an earlier release, I deleted the target and recreated it in Xcode. Took way too long to configure all the details, but it works again as a widget and is accepted by AppStoreConnect upon upload with Transporter.

What is a better solution?

To resolve the same error I had to wrap all Live Activity related code with

#if !targetEnvironment(macCatalyst)

In my case the file including the widget bundle implementation was not added to the widget extension target after adding another widget to my implementation. So make sure your widget implementation or widget bundle implementation file has the target membership set for your widget extension.

ITMS-90896 Error when uploading binary with Transporter