Apple immediate trial cancellation

When I subscribe for a trial period in Apple products like:

  • Apple Music
  • Apple TV
  • Apple News
  • etc.

If I want to cancel my subscription via App Store I see a message:

If you cancel, you will immediately lose access to Apple Music and the remainder of your free trial. Нou cannot reactivate this trial

At the same time for 3d party developers when a user clicks Cancel Free Trial alert says:

If you end your trial now, you will still have access to it until some date

So my question is how can I replicate the same logic for my app. I've googled a lot but didn't find anything.

I believe it should be possible to do since Apple apps are just like any other app distributed via App Store. If not - it looks like unfair competition because users will more likely postpone trial cancellation for Apple products and forget about this which will result in charging their money.

This is a very valid question. The documentation clearly states that any free trial is still a subscription that starts immediately but isn’t billed for the first period. But somehow apples own subscriptions doesn’t work this way

Is there any official statement from Apple stating that the free trial features they are using themselves are not available to 3rd party developers?

Yesterday I attended an Apple developer event called “Optimize subscriptions for success: acquisition” and asked the following question: “How can i set up introductory offer so that after canceling it subscription immediately expiring and access to the feature of app becomes turned off? Like it's done in Apple Music. I just signed up for a one month trial period, then canceled and my subscription expired immediately”.

My question was read out, but completely ignored the essence of the question. I wanted to hear a direct answer if I can or can not create such an introductory offer. If there is no way to create it, I would like to know more about the reasons for this.

It would be great if someone could give a detailed answer on this topic. 03.08.2023

Apple immediate trial cancellation