Wrong in-app price shown in GBP

According to https://appstoreconnect.apple.com/WebObjects/iTunesConnect.woa/ra/ng/app/1543940585/pricingMatrix/nonConsumable/1592303958 , Tier 45 is supposed to be $44.99 and £39.99. This is also true in App Store Connect. But when I log in with a UK account, the charge is £43.99. What's going on?

Interesting. Can you provide these details, screenshots, steps to reproduce, etc. in a ticket with Feedback Assistant? http://feedbackassistant.apple.com

Once you do, would be great to note the FB# here in the forum to track. Thank you

Was this solved? I have the same issue, 18.99 tier showing as 20.49 for IAP.

Wrong in-app price shown in GBP