"The bundle version, NNN, must be a higher than the previously uploaded version"

Since today, I'm getting this message (including the typo) every single time I try to upload a new build of my app to both the macOS & iOS app stores.

If I upload the iOS version first, I'll get the error when I upload the macOS version. If I upload the macOS version first, I get the error on the iOS version.

It's a catalyst app and it's the same build across both platforms. Common build numbers between iOS & macOS have always been allowed, and I released a binary to both iOS & macOS app stores with the same build number last week.

Any idea what's going on?

Answered by App Store Connect Engineer in 694121022

We've identified the bug, fix coming up shortly. Sorry for the hassle.

We recently had to move from the iTMSTransporter app to atool, because Xcode 14 removed the former. We immediately hit an issue that's very similar to what's been discussed in this thread.

For example, if there's a release train 1.10.0, and there's already a build with build number 12345, one can't upload a build with number 1, 2, ... all the way up to 12345. Given that it used to work with the iTMSTransporter app, it seems like a limitation on the atool side.

same issue here, exactly as described by HorsePferd - everything worked ok with Xcode13 and iTMSTransporter, now this error appeared as soon as we moved to Xcode14

Today I still have the same issue, was the bug been fixed? I use Transporter uploading our .pkg build, the app delivered to app store connect but I was not able to find any build there. then I try to upload again, it shows me the version 1.0.0 is already exist? is there a way to find out my uploaded build and remove it?

I am experiencing the same problem while using Xcode 13.1 and altool. There is any build whose version is higher than the one I am trying to upload and yet it fails to submit the build to apple store connect. Please fix it.

I am experiencing the same problem while using Xcode 15.0

"The bundle version, NNN, must be a higher than the previously uploaded version"