"The bundle version, NNN, must be a higher than the previously uploaded version"

Since today, I'm getting this message (including the typo) every single time I try to upload a new build of my app to both the macOS & iOS app stores.

If I upload the iOS version first, I'll get the error when I upload the macOS version. If I upload the macOS version first, I get the error on the iOS version.

It's a catalyst app and it's the same build across both platforms. Common build numbers between iOS & macOS have always been allowed, and I released a binary to both iOS & macOS app stores with the same build number last week.

Any idea what's going on?

Answered by App Store Connect Engineer in 694121022

We've identified the bug, fix coming up shortly. Sorry for the hassle.

Did you increment your bundle version ?

Have a look at this other thread:


Just to confirm, I tried this again but this time allowed Xcode to do it's automatic build numbering thing.

Same error - it seems to be completely broken. Automatic build numbering doesn't seem to be the cause, and nor does it seem to help.

Getting the same error too. I always upload ios app and then mac catalyst app. But having the same error for the later one since yesterday. "The bundle version, NNN, must be a higher than the previously uploaded version."

Could someone from Apple please respond? This is really quite painful and means that the new auto-build numbering feature in Xcode 13 simply doesn't work on Catalyst apps, as far as I can see: it fails 100% of the time to generate valid build numbers.

To summarise, this is how I've released an app for the last year:

  1. Increment the build number & version in my project, then check-in
  2. Archive & upload my iOS version
  3. Archive & upload my macOS version

As of yesterday the process seems to be:

  1. Increment the build number & version in my project, then check-in
  2. Archive & upload my iOS version
  3. Increment the build number in my project again, then check-in again
  4. Archive & upload my macOS version
  5. Update a spreadsheet so that I can keep track of which iOS & macOS builds are equivalent

I haven't started to think about what this means for labelling releases in source control or tracking issues across builds. None of this is good though. If this is intentional and there's a workaround at our end, please share it.

I have the same issue with one of our iOS apps. The second one, having higher builds numbers, uploads just fine. Does it mean that build numbers are now shared across all the apps available for one account?

I was in the process of setting up a new automated build this morning and started getting this error message too. Same scenario - I'm trying to upload both an iPadOS and Catalyst version of my app with the same build numbers. I'm using the xcrun altool command line tools to upload my builds.

*** Error: Error uploading '<My App>'.
*** Error: The bundle version, 1, must be a higher than the previously uploaded version. Duplicate bundle version. (-19210)
    NSLocalizedDescription = "The bundle version, 1, must be a higher than the previously uploaded version.";
    NSLocalizedFailureReason = "Duplicate bundle version.";
    PreviousBundleVersion = 1;

This same issue started happening for me as well a few days ago.

It appears to be an error on Apple's side.

Here is an ugly workaround: Increment the version number as well as the build number, then upload.

Incrementing the version in addition to the build number will have to be done for every build that is uploaded until the issue is fixed.

Like others have reported I am still unable to upload to App Store Connect a build for a 2nd or 3rd platform with the same bundle version anymore using xcrun altool or directly from Xcode 13.1.

However for ***** and giggles I exported the package from Xcode instead of uploading and then used the Transporter app and lo and behold it uploaded just fine. Now sitting in "processing".

Will report back if it shows up in TestFlight.

Edit: processed fine and showed up in TF

Of course this is hardly practical compared to using a CI.

I have also seen this problem with xcrun altool for several days. Using Transporter worked about the problem for me (but is a bad workaround long term because it prevents scripting). I've submitted Feedback FB9742349 on this problem, please consider filing your own Feedbacks / Radars.

Accepted Answer

We've identified the bug, fix coming up shortly. Sorry for the hassle.

Thanks - seems to be working for me now.

I was just able to upload an iOS & macOS build which had the same build number for both (from Xcode).

Thanks sooo much. I was able to upload with Xcode cloud workflow. Will test our other CI as well.

I'm still unable to upload the same build number for the same version number but for two different apps.

Sorry, I was wrong. I used AppStoreConnect API to check for all our builds available. I found out that we don't have a build with that version number for any of our apps. Hence, I don't understand what might be a problem then.

"The bundle version, NNN, must be a higher than the previously uploaded version"