Testflight build stucks at Processing

Hi, I currently have 3 builds those are stuck at Processing, the oldest is there for over a day. I submitted email request and didn't receive anything yet. So I called them and got the answer: "Just wait". Normal builds are processing for only 1 hour, so why is this? I have milestone to release the app, and this smashed all the works. Need the answer from Apple, not only some workaround. I need to know why does those build stay at Processing, and how to prevent that. If this happens in the futures, how do I get the details to pass through this?

I have Same issue, as you can see there are some people that also struggle with that: https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/692592

Hey @blueberry6401,

Thanks for posting this! Make sure to check out a few other issues that users on the forums are facing as well.


Our organization is facing long processing times as well. Our longest wait times right now are right at 26 hours.

Processing time varies in general, but what we have found is the more complicated the application is, specifically if you have a Watch App along with any extensions the longer the build processing time will take as Apple needs to recompile your application for each Watch series as of today. Our native applications without Watch applications are still processing in sub 20 minutes across the board and the delays feel very localized to larger IPA file sizes along with extensions and a Watch App componant.

Hopefully Apple finds a way to address this soon or deliver tools like a web hook for notifying automation systems when builds have completed processing so that they can be added to TestFlight groups.

Have a great day!

I've got about 2 dozen builds from 9 years ago stuck in Processing :D I need them be expired to be able to transfer the app...

Testflight build stucks at Processing