Xcode 13 typing is delayed / really slow

I just updated Xcode to the newest Version (13.0 13A233). And what I immediately recognized was that when I was typing in a large class (1000 Lines or more) the typing was delayed like 1 or 2 seconds. This makes it really hard to type or even do anything with my project. It works perfectly fine in smaller projects with only 100 Code Lines per File, but it is really hard to type in bigger projects with over 30 files and 3000 Code Lines per File. This always happens when I use Xcode, whether I run the app on a real device or a simulator.

Things that could cause the issue in my case:

  • I removed the contents of ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport, because it took the device previously too long to launch, but I don´t think that this should have an effect on my Xcode typing performance.

I would really appreciate any help, because this issue makes my work impossible and really concerns me a lot.

This bug has brought my project to a halt.

Is there a way to build to ios 15 and macOS 12 using Xcode 12? I am delaying upgrading due to this.

I think the answer is “no,” so I am stranded because my large project is impossible to edit realistically. How can can an issue like this get past v .0?

Has anyone received replies regarding their bug reports? For such a big issue, it is taking a very long time to get feedback.

Same issue here, I just moved from my MacBook Retina 2016 core M7 to the new MacBook Air M1 and having the same annoying issue !

I got an email asking for additional information, but I can't see that they're asking for anything on the actual ticket. The only update I see is the number of similar tickets…

Recent Similar Reports:Less than 10

For info, my ticket is FB9780474 (Xcode is laggy as hell)

I received a reply from Apple where they ask to check the forthcoming new update Xcode 13.2 RC: https://developer.apple.com/download/

I've been using it for two days and so far it looks like the issue is fixed there.

I'm using Xcode Version 13.2 RC (13C90). It's a little better, but I'm still having many instances where the entire UI hangs for a few seconds - so not fixed for me

Apparently it's been resolved in 13.2: " Project Navigator Resolved Issues Xcode performance is no longer affected when source code displays several warnings and errors. (84533671) " Of course we have to try it. It's not necessarily entirely fixed.

Running 13.2. The performance is maybe a little better, but the issue is certainly not 100% resolved and the typing is still behind.

Any updates on this? Been dealing with it for years. Every time I press a key there is a .5-1 second delay. Impossible to code like this!! Come on Apple, fix this please!

Chiming in in case the Xcode team monitors these forums. My team is nearly unable to work because of Xcode 13 slowness. Files takes upwards of 10 seconds to open. The cursor lags behind typing. About 10-20% of our time is spent watching the mouse cursor beach ball.

I'm left reeling at how shipping something like this is even possible -- the same people shipping the software are using it as well.

We're having to reconsider our entire dev toolchain, and ultimately, platform choice as a result (we're using Swift on linux).

@coderkid: i wonder if you have the same issue with Xcode 13.2 as it fixed this for me. although i never had this issue before Xcode 13.

Temporary solved!.

have no problem previous version of XCode (XCode 12)

but XCode13 is very slow typing. (13, 13.1, 13.2.1 all version has problem)

This is Temporary solution.

  1. All close tap window of source in XCode

  2. Quit to XCode, and reopen to XCode!

  3. open only one source (will be open to tap of source.)

  4. Try typing!


This is definitely not fixed in 13.2.1. 13.3 beta 1 I can't really tell because that has it's own issues preventing the project from compiling

The release notes of Xcode 13.3 beta 2 mentions "code completion" 12 (!) times. Unfortunately I cannot test it yet, since it requires macOS Monterey. Did anybody tried it?

I'm using Xcode 13.2.1 which suffers as well of this issue, typing text is visibly slow. Things improved dramatically after disabling "Code folding ribbon" from Preferences > Text Editing.

Using the latest Xcode 13.2.1 (13C100).

I have noticed that if I disable Source Control from Preferences, then I notice an immediate improvement in opening files/storyboards, autocomplete, etc.

I tried with enabling just source control and disabling any of the "fetch automatically" sub-options, but it caused the same beachball'ing I had before.

Was using Macbook Pro 2017, I thought it was my MBP getting slower. And now that prove me wrong. Having M1 Pro Max 64GB, Xcode still being the worst IDE I ever had in Mac. Freezing storyboard and code typing.

Beach balling all the time... Not responding all the time... It's impossible to use this.

13.3 Release still typing laggy.It looks like that xcode scaned all context while typing.

I can report that Xcode 13.3 is still terrible for our large project. Almost unusable, and people are still having to develop using 12.5.1, which is going to become a real issue when 13 becomes a requirement for submission very soon.

This issue is making development very cumbersome and unpleasant. How has this still not been solved Apple?

I ended up fixing this with the most unexpected solution from Stack exchange but it worked for me (unrelated to Xcode and does not apply to all models). I have an 2017 Intel MacBook Pro, and any Xcode would always have extremely delayed typing, no matter the size of the project that I opened. Then I realized that kernal_task CPU usage was very high.

Apparently charging the MBP through the left Thunderbolt port can cause it to overheat and then throttle the CPU. External monitors also make this worse. Using the right-side port to charge fixed it. My CPU usage quickly decreased, and eventually I could type using Xcode again.

Unfortunately it seems like many of you have M1 machines (which should not have this thermal throttling problem), so this would not be a solution for that.

More info here: https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/363337/how-to-find-cause-of-high-kernel-task-cpu-usage

my xcode was same, slow typing , no autoComplete and etc . but in my case updating to latest OS figured out this situation.

me too. Specifically enter/delete to add/remove new empty lines is really slow

Xcode 13 typing is delayed / really slow