I can't view the new agreement in App Store Connect

I have signed into App Store Connect, and after logging in I am taken to this page:


This page doesn't load anything so I can't proceed with login. Please help. Thanks

Did you connect to:


You should see the list of your contracts and those which need to be signed..

Thanks for replying. That link only takes me to the Apple ID sign in page, with the error "Your Apple ID isn't enabled for iTunes Connect." However I'm not looking to retail content through iTunes, rather I'm wanting to release apps in the App Store.

Some additional info, I went back to https://appstoreconnect.apple.com/ and this message appeared:

"To access App Store Connect, you must be an individual or team member in the Apple Developer Program, or invited by an individual to access their content in App Store Connect. Learn More"

However I understand that we're already enrolled for App Store Connect though our Apple ID.

I'm having the exact same problem as you. Tried across multiple browsers and devices with no luck

Same issue here, after trying on multiple networks and multiple browsers.

I can't believe that in 2 weeks they haven't addressed this. It's this a trillion dollar company? How can't they not realise?

same here

Same problem here....

Bumping this since I am experiencing the same issue.

Same problem here

same here...

The same issue

I have some problem

same issue

Same problem, can't believe how pervasive it is across devices without a response

I am experiencing this same problem. I cannot put a new update to my existing app because it is requiring that I agree to the new terms. When I go to accept the new terms, I check the box, click agree, and then it says that they cannot process this request now and to try again later. It has been a few days now.

i have same problem

same thing .. today is November 27th ... this is simple web issue and it is so frustrating it cant be resolved!! it is delaying my app development



Same problem here. I can't even get started.

I have same problem https://appstoreconnect.apple.com/review_agree

Loading forever.

I tried on diffrent platofrms, different browsers. How I can get access to my account?

What the hell, so there is no answer from Apple developer? I can't access or register, really can't believe they have a broken website for such a basic thing and for months!! I thought Apple was decent regarding development...

Is there any news on this issue?

we can not enter

I can't view the new agreement in App Store Connect