Identifying Unknown Third Party Spyware App

Unfortunately I have found myself in a very messy and painful situation, I’ve been dealing with for the last 4-5 months (at least). That situation being my ex girlfriend installed a Third-Party Spyware application on my iPhone 12 Pro and or iCloud account. This has had almost uncomprehending negative effects on every corner and facet of my life, including my my relationship with my daughter, my family, my friends, my ability to successfully conduct and manage my business, my finances, etc. I’ve spent 1000’s of hours studying how, why, and what she has done to gain access to basically to most my entire adult life and all the data that I’ve accumulated during it (dating back to 2010), and lost days of sleep from the anxiety it’s brought on (my photos and data have been used “anonymously” and maliciously, via harassment, stalking, anonymous slanderous character ************* campaigns on many occasions). If there’s anyone out there that could possibly help me identify how and what this woman is and has done to lite ablaze this seemingly never ending inferno in my life, I would GREATLY appreciate it. Thanks in advance and God Bless!

Roger Beaman 817-966-0819

I am no expert but I too am going through something similiar with my husband whom works for Teleperformance answering apple support calls when we make those calls to get support and trouble shooting done on our devices. I haven't had as severe of a problem in my information or photos being published online but I have been stalked to know my exact location, had airtags remotely triggered to make the find me sounds, had him quote word for word innocent text messages, access my journaling on my phone in Notes, and a number of other things that would make a person sound insane or paranoid and have little resources to get him out of my private information that is not related to any cheating or negative behaviors on my part it is about controlling me and exploiting my mental health condition that has now been under control for more than a year. He has not access to my passcode of 6 digits and a number he should not have access to or know why I remember it, he shouldn't have access to my passwords including but changing it does nothing, and he shouldn't be able to tell me the businesses that I have visited when not around him. I feel that if it is not stalkerware that it is through his job abusing the equipment this third party company provides them including training that is pretty advance and if they can remotely screen share to coach the individuals on the calls with them in real time then what else are the capable of doing. (I'm not really supposed to know that he can do this at least through observations but when he demands that I sit with him while he works to prevent him from just walking away and keeping him on the line and computer well its supposed to be our little secret that I have been in the room for hours not by my choice exactly but to keep from paying for it) But back to what I am saying I have had him laughing and talking with a friend about the spy and stakerware that his cousin uses on his wife and he too worked for Teleperformance and did the Apple Support agent position however he was terminated prior to being able to take one course after another and advance to higher up level 2 and Pros so from my stand point any possiblity your sociopath girlfriend work from home for Teleperformance?

Oh yeah I forgot to mention that I have also changed and changed passwords and passcodes and no matter what I do to practice good security and privacy and thought that I was getting last years Teleperformance agent of the year out of my private information by somehow accessing my phone without my permission and without my consent so that he can behave in hostile and uneasing behaviors to amp up my anxiety and feelings of hopelessness. You have no idea of how it feels to have someone like him saying "Tell Bobby that it is none of her business if we have any money saved for the family reunion." Knowing that the message was deleted from the phone and the folder for deleted messages when to my knowledge he was not able to access my phone physically but somehow he didn't like when this family member of mine had asked about a thing members of our family do to pay for the venue and catering of our family reunion even though she was simply asking to know if we needed any help because we had been trying to recover financially from an accident that caused me to be out of work and that we might not have been able to do so since he doesn't work all of the hours available to him at Teleperformance working at home he gets restless and distracted easily and will be on the phone for a bit or maybe in a video meeting with a supervisor and as soon as possible he gets up and walks away and does anything and everything for hours before returning to finish his shift or takes the voluntary time off they submit requests too use so that he can devote more time to stalking and harrassing me and violating my civil rights.

Identifying Unknown Third Party Spyware App