




Identifying Unknown Third Party Spyware App
Unfortunately I have found myself in a very messy and painful situation, I’ve been dealing with for the last 4-5 months (at least). That situation being my ex girlfriend installed a Third-Party Spyware application on my iPhone 12 Pro and or iCloud account. This has had almost uncomprehending negative effects on every corner and facet of my life, including my my relationship with my daughter, my family, my friends, my ability to successfully conduct and manage my business, my finances, etc. I’ve spent 1000’s of hours studying how, why, and what she has done to gain access to basically to most my entire adult life and all the data that I’ve accumulated during it (dating back to 2010), and lost days of sleep from the anxiety it’s brought on (my photos and data have been used “anonymously” and maliciously, via harassment, stalking, anonymous slanderous character ************* campaigns on many occasions). If there’s anyone out there that could possibly help me identify how and what this woman is and has done to lite ablaze this seemingly never ending inferno in my life, I would GREATLY appreciate it. Thanks in advance and God Bless! Roger Beaman 817-966-0819
Jul ’21