Same System (Only with 32gb RAM instead of 64gb), same problem.
Regularly crashes (whether in a vpn connection, in the browser, when starting a game...), sometimes up to 5 crashes in one day, always . I've experienced more crashes in the SHORT time since I've had macOS Monterey on the machine than I have in the last 20 years on Windows (before that it was a very stable system). Each time it is the Windows server that stops responding.
In addition, there are problems with using external monitors, I have 2 4k monitors attached to the Macbook Pro. At startup (rarely during work) one gets no signal, only after switching the monitor to the port again, the system continues to work. This is also strange in connection with a setting in World of Warcraft: Selecting the monitor. What worked fine before, now only works with tricks (I have two external monitors with the same name, no matter which one I select, the first one is always used - only starting in the window and then maximizing helped).
In my case, there are also two usb-adapters on the computer, but I have heard the same problem from people who use the Macbook with a maximum of one external monitor and without adapters.