Need recommendations for free app conversion plugins

Any recommendations for a plugin that converts a WordPress based webpage to an iOS app in simple steps for free, and then provide all the build information to submit to the Appstore?

Perhaps something like ?. Not sure what this has to do with the Build dynamic iOS apps with the Create ML framework session?

That said, it's not difficult to wrap the webpage into an app yourself without plugins. The bigger issue is that it probably won't make it though App Review (same for the Go Native stuff, regardless of what they say) and rightfully so imho.

Some things are better off as web page or web app and there's no shame in that. User's tend to dislike an app that basically amounts to a webview, because it makes for a poor experience.

Perhaps it might be a good idea to figure out for yourself why exactly you'd want to create an app, as in what do you hope to get out of if as opposed to using a web page or web app, and if that gives you a clear answer consider creating a fully native app?

If it's a matter of not knowing how to create an app, I'd suggest checking out by Paul Hudson. He provides a lot of resources for free and especially now with SwiftUI, it's easier than ever to get into the game.

Need recommendations for free app conversion plugins