




PageTabViewStyle is causing vague SIGABRT crash (FB8984414)
PageTabViewStyle is causing a crash amongst a significant portion of my users and I've been unable to reproduce this issue. I've first written about this in this post from 4 months ago, after which I've reached out to DTS. Since then I've been able to narrow down the cause to PageTabViewStyle, with the logs suggesting its a SwiftUI framework issue. DTS at the time had no clue and instructed me to file a bug report (FB8984414), but I haven't heard anything about it. Latest reply from DTS a while ago was that they have no information on the matter. So ever since I've removed PageTabViewStyle (in part because it was used in onboarding) and avoided using it. Now with the extra activity here by engineers during dub-dub I was hoping I could get some answers. I've scheduled labs to ask about it, but figured I might be able to save everyone some time and open up the slot to others, should I be able to get an answer on this. The two burning questions would be: Is/was this a bug, if so is it resolved? If not, how to prevent the SIGABRT Text of the bug report below: A whole bunch of my users are experiencing consistent crashes after I’ve implemented scrolling pages by adding the .tabViewStyle(PageTabViewStyle()) modified to a TabView. Despite them reporting a 100% crash rate whenever they try to bring up the View that has the offending TabView, I am unable to reproduce this issue myself, making it impossible for me to provide useful steps to reproduce the issue or to provide a minimal working example. Instead I will be providing Swift files that contain the offending code. The crash logs that I have received, and included with this bug report, don’t indicate clearly what the cause of the SIGABRT is, but based on information provided by users I started suspecting the issue lied with the specific TabViewStyle. I verified this suspicion by commenting out the TabView code and have a handful of users that reported consistent issues test out this new build on TestFlight. The results were 0 crashes, further confirming my suspicions. I will also include the Swift files of this build. After this I reached out to Developer Technical Support and they instructed me to file this bug report.
Jun ’21
When mentioning a user on the dev forum, the url that is generated changes entire username to lowercase, breaking the hyperlink
When you mention a user on the forum (i.e. @example), the generated URL changes the entire username to lowercase, subsequently breaking the hyperlink to the user's profile page. Example of this can be found in my comment here. Note that the first letter of the user's username is capitalized, however the generated URL has the entire username in lowercase so the link leads to a "The page you’re looking for can’t be found", when capitalizing the first letter of the username in the URL, it leads to the appropriate page.
Jun ’21
Trouble debugging SwiftUI AttributeGraph crash logs
I've been receiving a bunch of crashlogs that seem to be tied to SwiftUI/AttributeGraph that have proved to be a bit challenging to figure out. Sadly I've been unable to reproduce the issue myself, making it not easier to figure out what's going on. Here and there there I found people with almost similar issues, but those seem to be related to a SwiftUI bug(?) that triggers a precondition failure. Either way, I'm at a loss and about to put in a TSI request, but perhaps someone here has an idea? It seems to only occur on iOS 14, I don't have any reports from users on iOS 13, but then again my user base seems to almost have a 100% adoption rate so it might be skewed. All the logs are identical or near identical to the crashlog attached. SwiftUI Crash -
Jan ’21