Why is Control Center on Monterey listening on ports?

Why is Control Center on Monterey listening to port 5000 and port 7000? I have used these ports for years for local development, but now find them in use by Control Center. Is this worth filling a Feedback about?

  • Definitely worth filling feedback about.. this is going to break a lot of Flask apps that listen on 5000 by default. Not sure why apple chose such a popular port.

  • Agreed... It has broken a lot of my development configurations as well.

  • Just found out about this, while running the docker example-voting-app and failing because port 5000 is used, so I run: lsof -nP +c 15 | grep LISTEN

    and there it was ControlCenter with ports 5000 and 7000 being used.

Accepted Reply

This is apparently due to the new AirPlay functionality. Control Center stops listening to those ports when I turn off “AirPlay Receiver” in the “Sharing” System Preference:

  • Thank goodness this seems to fix the issues I was having.

  • This realy helped me, I was trying to kill the process running on port 5000 but it was keeping restarting it self. But after unchecking the AirPlay Reciever checkbox now it is working as expected.

  • So glad I came here -- thought I was going crazy, nothing was working!


Plus one above. This is seriously stupid Apple on so many levels - firstly using a known developer port is dumber than a rock. Secondly constantly changing the setting locations under cryptic naming conventions is idiotic as well. Do your Product managers really have such a skewed sense of intuitive organizational structure? Here is an idea -> try alpha sorting by service and functional category (General has no meaning at all lose it). See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Categorization Here is an example

Communication Internet Accounts
Messages Phone etc.

Hardware Displays Energy Saver

Media Airplay Audio Players Video etc.

Network Bluetooth Firewall Thunderbolt USB VPN Wifi etc.

Operating System About Date & Time Desktop & Dock Screen Saver Wallpaper etc. Language & Region Login Items Sharing Sofware Update Start Up disk Time Machine

User Preferences Accessibility Appearance Control Center (have the ability to alpha sort anything and everything and frankly create and or rename categories) Focus Login Password Privacy and Security Screentime Siri & Spotlight etc.

I think you get the idea. This would be a meta organizational standard with a location design pattern, not some random organization stragegy that "seems" to make sense when in reality it does not, and also does not scale at all. the layout changes from OS iteration to OS iteration and makes solution finding nearly impossible as many search results are returned, one for each new change, that do not apply (as happened here). The fact that this is not more obvious a problem is unbelieveable and the same patteren repeats over and over with the Apple development model. C'mon folks do more research on optimal organizational construct logic, patterning, searchability, optimization, and scaling over time. And don't use known development ports for propietary service your users may or may not chose to use.