Localizations fields not saving text

We've developed our app for 22 languages, and have found that Apple Connect does NOT save the description fields when we move from one localization to another. For example, I fill the Russian boxes with Cyrillic text, then move on to French and do the same. Go back to Russian and the Description is in French. and save Repeated saves, going for one box at a time and saving. This has happened over and over for multiple languages, for three apps now. The only solution is to do it again and again until it finally works.
Working on a new Mini Mac for this. btw our text is being copied from Apple Numbers spreadsheets.

ADDITION: Discovered that Localization will only save one of keywords, promotional text, or description per visit. So we need to save the keywords in all of the languages, then go through promotional text in all languages and so on. Doesn't matter how many times you try to save it will not keep them all.

Take a look at https://docs.fastlane.tools/actions/deliver/ this tool helps you update metadata in App Store Connect all localisations at once. Also handy for updates in the future. Not only the text meta data but also your localised screenshots.

I'm not able to reproduce this behavior from my side. Can you please file a feedback report so we can investigate further?

Localizations fields not saving text