My name is shown in Chinese character in my app's page in US App Store

Hi, I'm an individual developer in China. I signed up for my Apple Developer account last year (I input my name in both Chinese character and Pinyin when filling out the form). Then I successfully submitted my app to both China Mainland App Store and US App Store, but to find that in the app's home page in US App Store, my name was shown in Chinese character.

That's quite a surprise. I think App Store should use my Pinyin name in US App Store (or perhaps better, provide an option to let me decide). The current behavior puts the China Mainland individual developers at a disadvantage because it makes it hard for them to prompt their apps in English speaking countries. Actually when one of my friends in US tried my app, his first comment was that I shouldn't show my name in Chinese character if the app is targeted for US users!

I contacted Apple Developer Program support engineers twice for this issue, once last year, once recently. At the first time the reply was just boilerplate and useless. At the second time the engineer was quite helpful, although it was still impossible to solve the issue. One of the explanation the support engineer gave was that it's the government's requirement to use developer's legal name. But I'm not convinced because:

1) Using legal name doesn't necessarily mean it has to be Chinese characters. It can be Pinyin. For example, we have Pinyin name printed on passports and credit cards.

2) Since the app is submitted to US App Store, the information in the app's home page is supposed to be read by US people. It's common convention to show Chinese people name in Pinyin in this context (e.g., English documents).

I'd think this is a deficiency in the design of the App Store. The support engineer said he would help to send my feedback. I understand how things work in big companies, so I think it may help to describe the issue in the forum also and hopefully someone can help to make the change, because it really doesn't make sense.



My name is shown in Chinese character in my app's page in US App Store