Can not update your app privacy information about tracking user

Can not update app privacy information about tracking user after remove the tracking functionality and "NSUserTrackingUsageDescription" from info.plist. Always reminds us App contains "NSUserTrackingUsageDescription"
Same here....
We are also experiencing this issue. Have you been able to alleviate it? If so, how did you do that?
Same issue for me, no solution are provided for now by the support...
Same here... any news?
After doing some digging it might not be the Info.plist that is the issue.

Try running this in your project folder to search all files for the string "NSUserTrackingUsageDescription"
Code Block
grep NSUserTrackingUsageDescription -R ./

For us, some of our plugins are mentioning the string which might be flagged as use.
You're right, but I guess that there is also a bug inside AppStore Connect, the NSUserTrackingUsageDescription reminder occurs even if your submitted code doesn't contain it : alert may come from the released version and not the submitted one.
Same here, App Store checks submitted version but not that was uploaded
We also theorize that is what is happening because we removed it from the plist, and still could not update the app privacy information. Though, we have not been able to confirm that the released version is the issue since removing any reference to the NSUserTrackingUsageDescription turned out to be more work than anticipated.

Has anyone else been able to confirm this by uploading a version where no piece of the code references the NSUserTrackingUsageDescription?
my code doesn't contain any reference as follow.
Code Block
grep -r ASIdentifierManager .
grep -r AdSupport.framework .
grep -r advertisingIdentifier .
grep -r NSUserTrackingUsageDescription .

Thank you for the clarifying answer.

Then indeed it looks like the released version is blocking the submission of new ones.
Same issue here
Same exact problem. My app is developer jail after trying to get rid of admob and there seems to be no escape. I removed the NSUserTrackingUsageDescription and tried again to remove this from the user privacy settings. It still did not work.
Someone has solved the problem?Help!
Nope. Apple is aware of this, but I don't know yet if it's Apple side or app side. You should submit a request to Apple assistance.
I'm having the same issue. I tried as many combinations as possible in the privacy section. Maybe that would enable my publish button. No luck. Went to the extent of asking my developer to remove altogether the NSUserTrackingUsageDescription key from our app's plist and submit a new binary. Still, the same message. Contacted the Apple revision team. They are unable to provide clear guidance. If anyone has a solution... PLEASE!
Can not update your app privacy information about tracking user