Testflight issue: "The requested app is not available or doesn't exist"

We submitted a build to testflight and received a confirmation email it was successfully uploaded.

When we open testflight on our iPhone's (X, 6s) we get a message of

"Could not install appname"
"The requested app is not available or does not exist"

Where appname is the name of the app.

Its very confusing because I can see the build listed in testflight on my mobile device and can view it in iTunes connect.

I also can't install prior builds that had worked successfully when I try.

Same here. I had an ancient app removed from the Apple Store 8 years ago. Recently, I tried to revive it, and according to Apple, I uploaded two new versions successfully. However, none of my beta testers can download it from TestFlight: The requested app is not available or doesn't exist. I don't know what else to do. Everything is green on the Developer's site, and there are no more buttons to press. In theory, it should be working as it is 😞

Idea: Could this be because of country restrictions? Normally we could circumvent problems like "app not available in your country" for production apps with Testflight versions that worked anywhere for the time of their testing duration.

Did Apple start to apply geographic limitations for Testflighting?

I have no idea 🤷‍♂️ I contacted technical service and asked for help, but I'm still trying to understand their instructions. According to them, the application has an error, and that's why TestFlight is failing, but when I go to the developer console, I have this image and no visible errors or warnings. I'm not sure what's going on, but I don't think the application is the problem.

This image shows the status of the application in TestFligh.

But when trying to install it, I get the same error as everyone else.

If there is any restriction, the information provided by the interface is terrible. There is no clue that indicates what's going on 😓

Having the same issue. I saw on StackOverflow someone said that it worked after releasing a new version to the store. I did that today and the new version is available for people to download, but TestFlight builds are still giving the same error message. I can't test my builds before submitting them, which is horrible. I will post any updates if it gets resolved on my end.

the same issue here

Testflight issue: "The requested app is not available or doesn't exist"