Testflight issue: "The requested app is not available or doesn't exist"

We submitted a build to testflight and received a confirmation email it was successfully uploaded.

When we open testflight on our iPhone's (X, 6s) we get a message of

"Could not install appname"
"The requested app is not available or does not exist"

Where appname is the name of the app.

Its very confusing because I can see the build listed in testflight on my mobile device and can view it in iTunes connect.

I also can't install prior builds that had worked successfully when I try.
im having same issue with an older app that had been removed from sale and now im trying to test a new version.
I am having the exact same issue:
a version of my app has been removed from sale. After that I have been able to upload many versions to TestFlight. All of those could be installed by TestFlight users. Until now. Today I uploaded a version and when I try to install using TestFlight, I get "The requested app is not available or doesn't exist"
When looking in the console, I see:

TestFlight Install Request Changed: { bundleID = (removed), version = (null), currentTaskStatus = 0, previousTaskStatus = 0, installStatus = 0, reachedTerminalStatus = 0, reachedFailureStatus = 0, reachedCancelledStatus = 0, percentComplete = 0.000000, userFailureReason = (null), serverFailureReason = (null), persistentIdentifier = 0, installID = (null) }

TestFlight Install Request Completed (status = Failed): { bundleID = (removed), version = (null), currentTaskStatus = 22, previousTaskStatus = 0, installStatus = 0, reachedTerminalStatus = 1, reachedFailureStatus = 1, reachedCancelledStatus = 0, percentComplete = 0.000000, userFailureReason = (null), serverFailureReason = (null), persistentIdentifier = 0, installID = (null) }

TestFlight Install Request Completed (status = Failed): { bundleID = (removed), version = (null), currentTaskStatus = 22, previousTaskStatus = 0, installStatus = 0, reachedTerminalStatus = 1, reachedFailureStatus = 1, reachedCancelledStatus = 0, percentComplete = 0.000000, userFailureReason = (null), serverFailureReason = (null), persistentIdentifier = 0, installID = (null) }

TestFlight Install Request Changed: { bundleID = (removed), version = (null), currentTaskStatus = 22, previousTaskStatus = 0, installStatus = 0, reachedTerminalStatus = 1, reachedFailureStatus = 1, reachedCancelledStatus = 0, percentComplete = 0.000000, userFailureReason = (null), serverFailureReason = (null), persistentIdentifier = 0, installID = (null) }

So something failed in the second log line!

What is going on?

Kind regards,
I'm waiting for a solution to same issue that happen to me.. I removed app from sale then I uploaded a build as an update some months later. now I can see my build on TestFlight but can't open. I changed status of app from removed from sale to Prepare for submission after saw a suggestion in a blog.
I contacted apple dev support, but they won't give response properly
anyone please help :(
I have contacted apple support a few times about this, they supposedly have send my case to someone higher up the chain and I'm still waiting to hear back from them.

There are 2 or 3 posts on these forums with other people in the same boat, I'm hoping once one of us get it fixed the solution is posed in here so we can at lease direct apple support on what needs to be fixed.
LOL apple replies to all my requests saying its not working because there is an issue, but they never say what the issue is.

NO ****, why do you think I'm contacting you!

Why do they even respond if they wont even give a response or read my support request?
WOW, now I submitted the app for approval to the official app store, the app is approved and then instantly changed to removed from sale.

what is going on?
After submitting version for review to Official app store and app was reviewed and approved. It took another 2 or so days before I could see the app in the app store or submit test flight builds.

We are having the same issue. Get the same error message and like others we are not sure why.

We currently have this issue, but there is no way we are submitting to the official app store until we have alpha and beta tested the app.

This means we have to release a whole new app with a new bundle identifier and everything, just because Apple expired our build? Sounds like a major bug to me.

I am having this issue as well. My app was removed from sale, I uploaded a new build and am trying to test it using "TestFlight". TestFlight shows the new build as "Testing". My test users get an email, re the new build, but when they try to install it the TestFlight app advises "Could not install . The requested app is not available or does not exist".

Obviously I need to test my new build before submitting it to the App Store.


I am having this issue as well. My app was removed from sale, I uploaded a new build and am trying to test it using "TestFlight".

TestFlight shows the new build as "Testing". My test users get an email, re the new build, but when they try to install it the TestFlight app advises "Could not install . The requested app is not available or does not exist".

Obviously I need to test my new build before submitting it to the App Store.


Same problem for me and same answer from Apple... (3 months ago and no answer since)

I'm having the same issue. All my builds were "downloadable" through TestFlight. But for a certain build—with no significant differences from the previous ones (just style and wording, but no new dependency or capability) and from this build until now, I have the error: 'Could not install app-name. The requested app is not available or doesn't exist.'

I've contacted support by phone and then by email last week, but I haven't received an answer so far.

Can anyone relate or have any idea how to resolve this?

I'm having the same issue.

I am having the same issue, already tried creating a new app and still getting the same issue. Has anyone solved this issue for new apps?

Testflight issue: "The requested app is not available or doesn't exist"