iOS 14 re-install app will disappear from Privacy > Tracking

I am updating an app to adapting AppTrackingTransparency framework with NSUserTrackingUsageDescription set up.

When I first install it, it would appear in Settings > Privacy > Tracking.
However, after I uninstall the app and re-install it, the app will not longer appear in Settings > Privacy > Tracking.
Afterward re-install also not making the app appear in Settings > Privacy > Tracking.

Is it a bug, or I did something wrong?
Answered by singyu in 667664022
Sorry, It may be my problem.
I found that the Applications will only appear in Setting > Privacy > Tracking after user has made any decision on the permission request
since notification permission works like it too
Hi, my app installed from XCode (Build & Run) has never appeared in Settings->Privacy->Tracking on my iPod Touch or iPad. Do you have anything in your Info.plist file that instructs the app to appear in this list? This is really annoying. Also found a related thread here:
I only followed App Tracking Transparency instruction
and added NSUserTrackingUsageDescription in Info.plist

Versions of testing
iOS: 14.4
Xcode: 12.4 (12D4e)
Accepted Answer
Sorry, It may be my problem.
I found that the Applications will only appear in Setting > Privacy > Tracking after user has made any decision on the permission request
since notification permission works like it too
iOS 14 re-install app will disappear from Privacy > Tracking