Pls fix m1 chip issues with external monitor hidpi

Can apple pls, pls, pls, tell me when can you fix the problem of m1 chip not support hidpi on external monitors? Or do you even aware of this problem?

I've been using mac for a long time, and i was able to connect to a external monitor with high resolution and good size fonts using 3rd party softwares, like one-key-hidpi or rdm.

However, now with your latest m1 chip, none of them work anymore. Now i can either use a high resolution with ant size fonts, or i can choose big font size with blurry displays resolution, which is very annoying.

so, are we going to fix this issue? or is there any workaround for this?

I have BenQ 1440p display, the text is just too fuzzy, tried maximum resolution too. Even SwitchResX doesn't work

Same problem here on 2K 60HZ display. Please fix it ASAP.

1 year and still no fix. Super disappointing...

**** apple for this shit. so frustrating

This problem still exists! Finally got my M1 Mac last week, two 1080p monitors that worked with my old Lenovo Thinkpad, trying to connect to them via dock gives a weird blurry second monitor and turns off the first one. Completely devastating, to have such an expensive computer fail at such a simple task, a task the old 2015 Macbook Pro could still do.

And after three months of an open case on Apple Support, I called them just to hear that I should buy another monitor. To fix something that is clearly a software issue.

It's hard to work with Apple devices that way...

Same issue here. I'm very disappointed with apple. I was happy with my QHD display and any other machine other than m1. are there any developers to solve this kind of showstopper issue right now? at least apple shoud answer and let us know the plan! what a shame. it's been a year. don't waste your time to add minor cookie functions. FIX THIS ISSUE FIRST!!!

I got the same problem as you guys and I arrived at the following conclusion: if Apple won't fix this with macOS Monterey I will sell my M1 Mac and switch back to PC. Not liking Windows but I just had enough!

** +1** LG 27UL850 4K Monitor. There are no problems when connecting USB-C. When connected via the hub and HDMI or DP - there is no resolution of 2560x1440 (HIDPI). I'm sad with the new Air M1.

I experience the same problems since November 2020. MacOS sucks at HiDPI integration and scaling for external displays. In windows 10 or Linux my 24” QHD displays are razor sharp! This is 8 year old hardware and the new QHD monitors look amazing.. on Mac Mini M1 it just sucks.. blurry/fuzzy. I get headaches from it..

I sincerely hope apple will fix this mess with external displays. There is no reason not to enable. HiDPI on QHD monitors, it is not 2005 anymore and the GPU’s are more than capable without any performance hit.

I also tried the 4K Edid emulator solution as discussed on macrumors; this unfortunately is not. A full solution

Same here. Shame on apple. I do believe - they won't fix it

I am writing this in hopes that search engines indexes this and saves potential buyers from this mistake.



This is by far one of the biggest bottlenecks caused by tech I've experienced in my life (13 years as PC user on all kind of garbage tech in the past). To give you perspective of how terrible this is: I got LG monitor from 2005 with max resolution of 1280x1024. Running Windows XP it renders notably clearer fonts. Go figure. The old monitor even has pigeon **** on it. And still looks better.

The Asus PA278QV I have works flawlessly on Windows 10 machine. Even with the same cable, which came from the original box. Such a simple task is however unachievable in the latest macOS Big Sur.

I'm facing the same issue with my ultrawide (LG34UM88C-P 3440x1440) on the M1 Air. Text in native resolution is incredibly small and difficult to read. The scaling options for this external display only make the UI bigger and blurrier.

Windows machines handle this effectively, keeping the sharp resolution while scaling text up. Last week, I nearly purchased a Dell XPS13 with the intent to sell the Macbook, but I hesitated.

Adding my voice in hopes this is resolved in an update ASAP.

Same issue here. I have a large 1440p screen and at max resolution, it's impossible to scale up the UI. Everything looks so tiny.

My company gave me a new M1 laptop back in January and I had to do remote work for months on a 1440p monitor with this microscopic UI. It was also my first time using MacOS and got an extremely bad first impression. Really, no UI scaling?

Come on Apple, how can you allow this to happen for so long? We're talking about a really basic feature here, and you guys have slacked off for months.

This is unacceptable.

PickyOnion, they disabled ui scaling on monitors fewer then 4k on purpose. It's not bug - it is their idea. So there wont be fix to this. The only option - buy 4k monitor

Any updates? My 4K monitor still not working on M1. When i set resolution to 1080p the OS don't scales the resolution and everything looks very terrible and blurry. On old macbook pro 2015 i don't have such problems. I'm on Monterey Beta 9

I have this issue with my new 2021 16" M1 Max MacBook Pro. It's connected to my Pro Display XDR, which I usually use something like SwitchResX to use in HiDPI mode at 3840x2160 on my previous Intel MBP. Now the ability to use 3840x2160 in HiDPI is not accessible in any such 3rd party resolution app.

Hey all,

On the Macbook Pro M1 Max there are far more supported resolutions.

I have both the Macbook M1 Air and Macbook Pro M1 Max and on the same configuration, there are many more options for scaling.

It appears the issue was a limitation with M1 hardware that Apple failed to acknowledge.

I have this issue with my new 2021 16" M1 Max MacBook Pro. It's connected to my Pro Display XDR, which I usually use something like SwitchResX to use in HiDPI mode at 3840x2160 on my previous Intel MBP. Now the ability to use 3840x2160 in HiDPI is not accessible in any such 3rd party resolution app.

The same here, what a crap! Returning the new 2021 MacBook Pro and not going to use it again until this issue is resolved.

You can workaround this issue by using the third party tool betterdummy (search on github). The tool is quite new and works fine on m1 and m1 pro (emulates HiDPI) However: I use a 144fps display and the underlying used private apple framework only supports 60fps at most. I am going to return my new macbook because of this. Why should I accept a workaround for a issue thats easily fixable?

For illustration (what the issue is and why the font looks washed out) I made some pictures with a macro-lens. On the left side you can see what the standard/normal output looks like (without HiDPI-Mode) and on the right with activated HiDPI-Mode (thanks to BetterDummy). On the left the "r" and "t" are stuck together. On the right "r" and "t" are cleary seperated by some pixels. Same USB-C cable, same monitor, same website.

Thank you Istvan T. It works !!

Hi there, Just read through the convo. Was trying to fix the grainy font issues I have with my 2k DELL U2719DX. Sad that Apple hasn't come around to providing a fix to this issue in macos monterey....

I just get my M1 Max 16" MacBook Pro and are shocked that I see it do not support 3840x2160 HiDPI with my Apple Pro Display XDR 32" !!!

I contact Apple for this issue and they told me, the Pro Display XDR are NOT compatible with M1 Chips !!! Absolute outstanding Information I get.

But they will fix that, when does nobody known. 

Theres another big issue in compatibility with M1 Macs, the 32" Pro Display XDR does only Show "Million Color" instead of "Billion Color". The Internat Display from new 16" MacBook Pro M1 Max does finally shows itself "Billion Colors" but can not show this on external 32" Pro Display XDR. I report Apple for this issue.

Unbelievable for me how this hughe bug can be present!! I'm on Monterey 12.0.1 and the issues is already present.

So I am overriding the PropertyList with my M1 Mac mini, macOS Monterey, and my Sony Bravia XBR43X800D. This is not known to work, but occasionally it still does. It is random, like when my tv is off for a while then I turn it on. Kind of confused why this is happening, but every once in a while HiDPi works again. When HiDPi works, I actually see "Billions" for colors instead of "Millions" in addition to getting full 4k.

Pls fix m1 chip issues with external monitor hidpi