Pls fix m1 chip issues with external monitor hidpi

Can apple pls, pls, pls, tell me when can you fix the problem of m1 chip not support hidpi on external monitors? Or do you even aware of this problem?

I've been using mac for a long time, and i was able to connect to a external monitor with high resolution and good size fonts using 3rd party softwares, like one-key-hidpi or rdm.

However, now with your latest m1 chip, none of them work anymore. Now i can either use a high resolution with ant size fonts, or i can choose big font size with blurry displays resolution, which is very annoying.

so, are we going to fix this issue? or is there any workaround for this?

Yeah +1 to this. Really irritating issue as my display is blurry when scaled.
I have a Dell U4320Q Display with 3840 x 2160, but i can't use it with HiDPI with my new Macbook Pro (M1). The M1 can only 3008 x 1692 with HiDPI.
With my older Macbook Pro can i use the full resoultion with HiDPI.

Thank you for the fix.
This issue is nearly killing me
Our company wants to switch all computers from PC to Apple, but because of this problem, it has been unable to do so.
I support this request. I also can't use external Dell monitor with HiDPI mode.
Any updates?
I've run into this same issue.

I recently replaced a 27" Retina iMac with an M1 Mac mini. Attached to my iMac, I had an LG 27" QHD display that I used as a "magnified" HiDPI display by driving it at 1280x720 (native resolution is 2560x1440). Emails listed in my viewer window on the built-in Retina display would open onto the external display in a magnified view, with beautiful font rendering thanks to the HiDPI display resolution. Any time I wanted to see things with a "magnified" view, I'd just drag it over to the external LG display. The iMac did this running Big Sur without a hitch. When the M1 Mac mini came out, I decided to upgrade and pass along this iMac to my girlfriend.

To the M1 Mac mini that replaced it, I connected (via Thunderbolt 3) a new LG 27" 5K display that I ran at 2560x1440 (native resolution is 5120x2880). This worked just fine. What did NOT work was trying to drive my other LG display (connected via HDMI) at a HiDPI resolution of 1280x720. The mini would drive the second display at it's native resolution of 2560x1440, but not at the pixel-doubled lower resolution. This is a problem for me because I really grew to love the "magnified" lower resolution given some visual challenges (retina detachment, multiple eye surgeries, etc.).

Calling into Apple Support about this, I got the issue elevated to a second-level support person with whom I've been working for a few weeks now. Through him, I've submitted log files and screen captures from the new M1 Mac mini showing how it would not support HiDPI on the LG 27" QHD display. We also sent log files and screen shots of this same monitor connected to my old 27" Retina iMac, happily driving it at the HiDPI 1280x720 resolution. Through a number of long phone calls where we documented everything, including my particular visual needs, we put together what we felt was a very good case that this should be considered a bug that needs fixing.

Just heard back from the second-level support person with whom I've been working... (drumroll please!) Apple Engineering has said that they now consider this a bug and are committing to fixing it with a future software update. No guidance on when, but I have my fingers crossed that we'll see a fix within the next rev or two of the Big Sur OS.

Moral of the story: if you can (time and patience is required), find a path to work with Apple Support to get issues recognized as legit bugs. This can only happen if you work with them over the phone so that they can REALLY document the problem. That effort, at least in my case, has its rewards.
Thanks for the update @LongTimeAppleGuy

I, like you, completed the entire Apple Support process and upon completion, after many hours, like you, felt vindicated in my resolve when I was told Engineering is looking into it. That was three months ago.

I have since which time lost my resolve and my communication with Apple Support.

I, like you, continue to hope that Apple does address this significant issue, but I would not say I am hopeful.
Also having this problem and it's causing my company to hold off on purchasing Macbook Air laptops - they won't dock to external monitors in a friendly way.

Honestly, it's almost insulting to consumers that Apple doesn't bother to include native capability to support external monitors like other vendors do.
I have same problem, I hope with many reports, Apple will fix this in the next update OS.
It's been 3 or so months since Apple acknowledged this issue - it's a shame there's no progress. I feel like I should return my M1 MBP.
Same problem, 3 months of headaches now, working with double setup of 2xQHD monitors on my m1 mac. Everything is so annoyingly small.

Can it be fixed already ?
Apple please step up and fix this issue already! we are all completely devastated and dissatisfied with the M1 macs until we can't get a fix for this issue. PLEASE SHOW THE SUPPORT TEAM AND ENGINEERS THIS! Escalate the issue to @Craig Federighi if you have to but this issue cannot be left unfixed as it renders 2k monitors useless
I have two 2k monitors. Bought M1 Mac mini with high hopes and now feel devastated.
Same problem using a Wacom Cintiq 24 pro. “Native version” is a blurried scaled up full hd screen, and at full resolution as you can imagine ui is unreadable. A 2k€ device now barely usable: apple please fix this. Thank you
  • 1 to this thread - I upgraded (or so I thought) my Intel Mac mini to the M1 Mini so I could get rid of my eGPU - only to find there is no 3840 x 1620 HiDP resolution on the M1 like there is on my Intel Mini with the eGPU.

To say I am disappointed is a **massive** understatement...

Please fix this Apple!!!
This is rubbish! Fix this issue you bastards! I can't understand why we can't add custom resolutions or enable HiDPI for 1/2 of the scaled resolution
Have they fixed it yet with 11.3?
I checked with Big Sur 11.3, but this problem does not fix, very disappointing.
  • 1 for this. why can't Apple have the same supported resolutions on an Intel Mac on their M1 Mac. Is there a change in how their 8-core GPU renders vs the one with AMD or Intel GFX cards?

I was keeping hope that Apple would fix this problem by Big Sur 11.3. But turn out there is nothing happened regarding this bug. And it is very frustrated and disappointed when can Apple fix this problem. I am connecting the M1 MacMini with XDR display. Thanks
Why Apple cant give an answer, when so many users have the same problem!? It would be enough to know if anybody is working on this issue or not.
This issue is infuriating. I was looking forward to M1 and Big Sur... only to have my perfect Intel Mac mini and BenQ 4K monitor turn into an accessibility setting on 2560x1440. The scaling is ridiculous.

Is there any plan to fix this, and in the near future? Or should I just move on to another OS and platform since I have average eyesight and a good monitor?

4K is way too tiny, 256x1440 is way too big, and there's no options or middle ground between these two for OS UI scaling.
Installing SwitchResX and choosing the highest resolution worked for me.
There's a fix on Macrumors. Works for me on a 2560x1440 monitor. It involves SwitchResX, but not in the ways that have been mentioned previously. Can achieve a custom HIDPI res on M1.

"Sorted! I have got HIDPI working on an external QHD monitor at whatever res I want on an M1 MBP!
Also @ 144hz, despite preferences reporting different. Will also work for your Ultrawide.

SwitchResX -> create a custom resolution for INTERNAL display. Make it 2x the resolution you want, i.e. 3840x2160 for 1080p. Save it and reboot.

Then, connect your laptop up to your monitor. Select the SwitchResX icon in the menu bar at the top. Activate the custom HIDPI res for your internal monitor.

Once you've done that, press "turn video mirroring on", also in the switchres menu bar. This makes macOS behave weirdly, but it does the trick! Obviously you can only use your external monitor, and not your internal one (they show the same thing) but who cares."
Pls fix m1 chip issues with external monitor hidpi