iOS 14 Siri App Suggestions Glitch

Hi everyone

I am having a problem with Siri Spotlight/app suggestions partially not working. Started on iPhone 11 Pro Max on iOS 14 beta and now it is still present in new iPhone 12 pro max on official iOS 14 release. 

they will work for some time time and then I swipe down and nothing shows just a search bar. If I type in it all magically appears again and will work fine for an unspecified time. Then to crash again. 

did everything, all kinds of resets and even restore via cable and mac, it will just not work. 

Apple support didn’t help much. 

it seems to work fine if I have nothing installed beside Apple apps. When I install at least one or two third party apps it starts to act funny with the spotlight page. 

so Apple has the solution for this yet or even aware of the issue?
Answered by OlexI in 699745022

The solution, while not optimal, is it turn off Passcode/FaceID. That’s what is breaking the Siri suggestions. When you have no passcode, the issue cannot be replicated and suggestions are working as intended.

something similar happened to me, the Siri suggestions  just stopped working- I saw this blurry screen when I swiped down on the home page, and I could exit this screen by swiping up, but there was nothing - no search bar no apps, nothing.
it was like that few days until I turned off the phone at some point.
I turned off the phone, and turned it back on- and the "Siri suggestions" worked as normal.

The problem is it is reappearing after some time again. So it’s not solving a problem permanently.

Any updates with this issue?

It first started a year ago, if not more with my iPhone X. I was on a beta back then so I thought it would work again after the final release of iOS 14, but it didn’t. Now my 12 Pro has the same issue.

I never restore from a backup. Clean install always. Except iCloud stuff, but that’s just contacts and photos.

Please Apple; it’s annoying.

I’m having the same issue. Most of the times I swipe down I just see the search bar but I’m not getting any Siri Suggestion. Sometimes works, sometimes it doesn’t.

When I type in something and then delete it, now it works.

i tried EVERYTHING and I still have the issue

I think there is something related to the iCloud account as if you logout and use another Apple ID this does not happen

So ios 15 doesn't seem to fix the issue either. Any updates or ideas maybe?

Getting same issue on mine. Sometimes it appears then sometimes it's blank. Then I type and erase and it just magically appears.

iOS 15.2 out. The problem still persists.

Accepted Answer

The solution, while not optimal, is it turn off Passcode/FaceID. That’s what is breaking the Siri suggestions. When you have no passcode, the issue cannot be replicated and suggestions are working as intended.

Hello, i had the exact same problem, tried everything even a clean restore and erase all content and data but nothing worked. I then copied all data from my wife’s iPhone 13 pro to my phone because her phone did not have the glitch. To my surprise the glitch was gone after her data on my phone. Then again i rest all content and settings and the glitch came back. So what worked for me was that i copied my few months old iPhone 12 pro max data from icloud, i was sure at the time i did not have the glitch. After that backup my siri suggestions are working perfectly fine without any glitch. The technique of pop down type random and lock iPhone has been checked many times as well. The problem is gone 100%. Just make sure you restore from old icloud backup when you were sure the problem was not there.

Any updates?

I have the same problem! This happens for me time from time everyday. Suggestions appear only after you type something manually and swipe to open this screen again.

I have the same issue, tried literally everything

I have the same problem after I enabled the face id with mask feature on my iPhone 12 (iOS 15.4.1). I had face id enabled before as well but not with the mask feature and it was working fine.

Same issues here. I have had it for around a year. Just upgraded to a 13pro and it still does it 👎🏼

iOS 14 Siri App Suggestions Glitch