DSYM Download not working in App Store Connect


I'm not able download the DSYM via the link/butotn in the App Store Connect and my builds. Or more precisely, it doesn't initiate the download. On chrome, it opens a new tab and closes it again, but doesn't do anything.
It only works if I copy the URL of the link and download it directly via the URL.

Does anyone experience this as well?

Yes, it's broken.
Thanks for the tip on how to download the dSYM though.

The root cause of the problem seems to be Chrome blocks the download as insecure. From Chrome's help section: "Insecure: You tried to download a file or program that wasn't secure but was started on a secure page. In some cases, you can choose to download anyway."

Maybe Apple will get the dysms to a secure page to get this back working?

Thanks for your tip on how to work around the issue!

I ran into this same issue as well. It seems https is also supported the link just doesn't use it for some reason. You can right-click "Download dSYM", copy the link, add the "s" to "http", and navigate to that URL.

tap right click on " Download dSYM " then type save link as ..., when you click the save button, it will show in the bottom bar in google chrome ' can't be downloaded securely' so click on arrow and tap keep, it will download successfully.

DSYM Download not working in App Store Connect