Removing macOS version of app while keeping iOS up with universal purchase

Long story short, I pushed a Catalyst version of my iOS app onto the Mac App Store and it's just way too buggy. I can't figure out how to just remove the macOS version?

I understand that without Catalyst you can specifically delist the iOS version from showing up on macOS but why can't I just remove the macOS one without affecting my iOS build?

At this point it looks like I'll have to push a whole new app to the iOS store and there's no way to transfer all paying customers over from one app to another?

Any suggestions?

Did you find any solution?

@Momeks and @jq1106 - did you find a solution?

Hi folks, had the same question, my solution is similar to the above prescribed. The reason is not a missing App Store Connect menu point (like many questions in the net suspect), but the bundle ID for both the IOS version and the MacOS version. Even if I managed to give the MacOS version a different ID, I could not delete the app`s separatly. So I pushed another IOS version (as stated above) with is similar name giving a cheap inApp purchase price for a transfer time. Ulix

Removing macOS version of app while keeping iOS up with universal purchase