I try to add an exported UTI for a file with extension "lxb" so that Xcode recognizes it like a java file
but the file isn't highlighting in Xcode
I try to add an exported UTI for a file with extension "lxb" so that Xcode recognizes it like a java file
Code Block <key>UTExportedTypeDeclarations</key> <array> <dict> <key>UTTypeIdentifier</key> <string>com.sun.java-source</string> <key>UTTypeReferenceURL</key> <string>http://www.java.com/</string> <key>UTTypeDescription</key> <string>Java source</string> <key>UTTypeIconFile</key> <string>com.sun.java-source.icns</string> <key>UTTypeConformsTo</key> <array> <string>public.source-code</string> </array> <key>UTTypeTagSpecification</key> <dict> <key>public.filename-extension</key> <array> <string>lxb</string> </array> </dict> </dict> </array>
but the file isn't highlighting in Xcode