my new iPhone 12 pro lag on PUBGmobile

whenever I played pubg in iPhone 12 pro its show too lag and slow, but my old iPhone 11 Pro have no issues .,
now my phone 12 pro too many time reset ,. there is no improvement . please check my problem
Same problem here with iPhone 12.
The same games that I used in iPhone 11 had no problems there, but on the new 12 I see a lot of slowdowns.
Same. I want my 11 Pro back if I knew the damn quality of gaming was going to degrade, which makes no sense to me. PUBG Mobile, which I play A LOT, is laggy as all get out. Why??
Same here for me its completely unplayable even in tdm huge frame drops i will ask for refund very soon
Same here my iphone 12 pro is so lagging and slow
Game is unplayable here as well. New iPhone 12 lags a lot as if it can’t handle the FPS. Sad that my 8 plus seemed to play the game better than the 12. Guess it might be time to switch to android 🤷‍♂️🥴
I too face the same issue and I don’t know why apple is not taking it seriously... I think started failing... time to move to Android.. I’m gonna sell my phone or return it for refund and move to some other better Android for less price
Apple I understand it’s not your app. But my 8plus ran the game better than this. I’m almost positive my mother in laws iphone6 would handle it better than this. Game is unresponsive and super glitchy. Seems to me it should be your responsibility to contact tencent and figure it out. Otherwise I’m getting a refund for this phone and switching to android services.
The lack of response from an apple care tech is alarming. The thread started a week ago.
I have this problem in games as well. Mostly noticeable for me in DC Legends. My old XR side by side has no lag or anything. The 12 you cant even slide the hero list, shop or gear on heroes without it stuttering and lagging really badly. The matches themselves lag horribly too.

I hope this can be resolved with a software fix and is something to do with the games not using the performance cores properly and it is using the low power cores or something. Otherwise i will either go back to the XR or maybe android
iPhone 12 Pro Max here. I can’t play any of my games without it overheating (worryingly hot on top near camera). This needs to be fixed! I can’t believe apple hasn’t come out with a statement as it seems to be a universal issue with the new phones. We all paid premium money for these phones and I am paying for Apple Arcade which now is rendered useless until fixed. If they even can fix it!
Same problem on Iphone 12 " Pro Max " frame freeze, fps drop and very not fluid at all on most popular games.

No stability at all, games ran better on previous device.

Abnormal and unacceptable performances.
Did not expected a downgrade after my purchase

Not to mention the heat.

please fix asap.
Ive been watching and updating iOS as soon as it comes out. The other recent updates didn't seem to make any difference however yesterdays 14.2.1 seems to have made a noticeable improvement for me.

There's nothing in the patch notes about fixing any general or specific performance issues though.

Hope i am not jinxing myself.

Anyone else's better after iOS 14.2.1?

Side note: This update isn't on my ipad pro or iphone XR (they are up to date with only 14.2) so seems to be for 12's only. Neither of those devices had any issues with the game.
My iphone 12 pro max also laggin and frame dropping on pubgm. I actually upgrade to this phone to have even better performance. Please fix this apple.
I spoke too soon. Its still happening.
The lag has nothing to do with the iPhone. So, any iOS update won’t help with lag in PUBG mobile. The reason for the lag is game optimization. Tencent needs to update PUBG mobile and optimize for the 12 series of iPhones.

this same issue was with when the Note 20 Uktra was first released. Lagged like crazy but now runs 90fps smoothly
I’m facing same issue. Did you get any solution ?? I regret buying iPhone 12 pro max. My 11 pro mad was best for gaming
shittiest phone i bought iPhone 12 pro max . 11 pro max was best for pubg gaming
The problem is not with the device or iOS. Its due to the lack of optimisation of Pubg Korean version for new iPhones. Pubg Global(with vpn) works flawless. 60fps even in hdr extreme. Pubg Kr developers have to update for new devices.
I bought iPhone 12pro max 20 days ago and I got same problem in pubg Korea for first 4-5 days then it automatically got fixed maybe due to new device or something but now my game is running like butter
Same thing happening with me on my 12 Pro Max, it was too smooth on 11 Pro Max. For now I think we need to play on low resolution not on ultra HD or HDR. This suppose to be best performing iPhone but it sucks. My ping remain 20 but after some time phone is heating up and game start lagging.
Still happening on iphone 12, still perfectly fine on my old XR.

Thanks apple
whenever I played pubg in iPhone 11 promax its show too lag and slow,
,. there is no improvement . please check my problem
Whenever I played pubg in iPhone 12 pro max its show too lag and slow, and
my phone 12 pro max too many time reset. There is no improvement. Please check my problem.
Pubg running slow on my new iphone 11 i dont know how..Does anybody know how to fix it...!
Hello i am having the same issue too much heating and lag as well i hoped that it is because of high ping but my friend had same one and not having issues
my new iPhone 12 pro lag on PUBGmobile