App Clip Size when archiving

Hi everyone I've archive the App + App Clip, but the size of App Clip is 189Mb. I've checked the package and the most heavy things are:
  • libswiftCore.dylib

  • libswiftFoundation.dylib

  • libswiftDispatch.dylib

  • libswiftCloudKit.dylib

  • libswiftCoreGraphics.dylib

Do you know any solution on how to make this frameworks smaller?
Are you measuring the size of the Xcode archive or a thinned app bundle? An Xcode archive includes a lot of assets that will be removed in thinning, so I would suggest exporting an archive for distribution and selecting a thinning variant like a large-screen iPad to get a better approximation. Specific to the frameworks you mention, those are included by apps with a deployment target from before Swift ABI stability. App clips cannot backwards deploy because they are only supported on iOS 14, so those frameworks will not be part of the thinned app clip, so you don't need to worry about them.
I’m measuring the thinned app, I found the archive in finder the I click on show package content, the I’ve searched for Appclips folder and the size of the app inside is 189mb, so I click on show package content and discovered that the frameworks are big. In fact I’ve tried to upload but I’ve receive the error mail saying that the App Clip is too big
the error says:

ITMS-90865: Thinned app clip size is too large - The universal variant app clip /Payload/ exceeds the maximum allowable size of 10MB. 

I have managed to reduce the universal app to 14.8 mb (libswiftCore.dylib weights 4.1Mb and libswiftFoundation.dylib 2Mb). So in theory the AppClip without these two libraries should be 8.7 mb however when we upload the app on App Store Connect it still return me the error that the app cross the 10mb limit. We really don't know what else to remove at this point.

Our two "solutions" are:
  • Remove AppClip from the app

  • Reduce the sizes of these two libraries but I don't know how.

My folder is now 766Kb (before was 4.8mb).

Could be very useful to know how much the size is exceeding or have a tool to inspect the AppClip that gets than taken into consideration by App Store Connect elaboration process.

Please help.
When i show package contents, i saw folder "Framework" 50mb.
It was too large.
So how can i deal with the framework folder ?
App Clip Size when archiving