Publishing empty app

Is it possible to submit an "Empty App" to the store and have it excepted?

By "empty" i mean an app with a collection of components (including menu and menu items) with an api call or two to get colours, menu items, pages, content, etc

I'm a developer just branching out into mobile apps and I've asked a few others but no one can give me a definitive answer. Most common answer is, "Yes for Android, but probably not for Apple".
Not sure I understand your idea...perhaps because you're new to mobile apps, you're still forming it up. Suggest you spend time in the HIGs as an investment in your mobile dev future:

In the mean time, see the ASRGs/Performance:

As for definitive, know that in the end, it's up to app review what they will/won't approve/reject - all you can hope for here are opinions from volunteer referees. No one here can make any 'definitive' promise you'll succeed, so, running the review gauntlet is the best you can hope for when it comes to that requirement.

Good luck.
Publishing empty app