There was an error in Security & Privacy preferences.

When I am trying to open System Preferences->Security & Privacy throwing below error
"There was an error in Security & Privacy preferences."

osMac version : Big Sur 11.0 (20A5364e)
Answered by SivaprasadTamatam in 633768022
Guys issue is with fresh installation of Big Sur and try to access system preferences -> problem exists,

but if you restart the system and try to open the system preferences works without any error.
Same here, quite inconvenient.
same here, how can I reach that?
Same here
Same here
Same here
Same here
same here :-(

VERY annoying
Yup same here. It was fine this morning. Weird...
I installed Parallels software on Big Sur beta 6 and needed to go into this pane in order to Allow the publisher to be trusted and run. Great. Go in and get this error message. The final fix for me...was unplugging every single peripheral from the laptop. I use a USB hub, power goes through it, USB mouse, etc.
Don't ask me why, but unplugging the device (USB hub) so nothing was attached whatsoever, did the trick. As soon as I unplugged it, I was able to load the preference pane and allow the Parallels software to run.
I only tried it based on their kb article I found on their site, but I cannot publish it here.
Give it a shot and see if it helps.

Accepted Answer
Guys issue is with fresh installation of Big Sur and try to access system preferences -> problem exists,

but if you restart the system and try to open the system preferences works without any error.
Same here.
Same. Deleting defaults (defaults deletes) haven't helped much. Waiting for fix
same here
same here
  • Error message: Preference Error: There was an error in Security & Privacy preferences

  • no fresh installation

  • system restart several times

  • Big Sur 20A5374i

Same issue ... it pops up a second and then a windows occurs and tells you, that preference pane has crashed. Booting makes no difference. Deleting all kernel caches makes no difference. Deactivating and deleting "old" Kernel Extensions makes no difference.

Last think I can remember which I have changed in this pane was switching on the File Vault ...

Best Regards

Same here, quite inconvenient.
Same Here Can't install some programs without security panel options allowed.
The problem was solved with Big Sur 11.0 Beta (20A5384C) ... at least for me.
There was an error in Security & Privacy preferences.