Firebase Cloud Messaging can't receive message when updating from AppStore build but works on new install

My app has FCM with message payload setup and works successfully using APNs Auth Key when running on Xcode debug mode and when downloading release build from TestFlight by testers. Both App Store ID and Team ID are set up correctly in Firebase project settings as well.

However I found that if I install the old build app from AppStore first (this build has corresponding GoogleService-Info.plist but didn't have complete FCM functionalities implemented yet), and then update to new build which has complete FCM functionalities, the app can still get FCM token but doesn't seem to receive any FCM messages.

If I use Firebase's Notification composer to send message with the token received, the app can actually receive that notification so this means the APN should be set correctly and the token is valid.

I would like to know what may cause FCM on app works differently between "update from an old build" or "new install" from App Store, and how I could fix it?
Suggest you post such 3rd party queries via FB's support channels - devForums is for Apple's IDE.

Good luck.
I ask here because it doesn't seem to be caused by firebase, but rather some caches in AppStore / Testflight that isn't refreshed while updating the app. If the app is reinstalled rather than updated, the app works fine.

doesn't seem to be caused by firebase

Not sure why you felt it important to mention fb at all, then - if something's not a factor, it doesn't belong in the comment. I'd still bounce your issue of that 3rd party's product support.

Usually it's a case of those 3rd parties not keeping their product in sync quickly enough to avoid issues. Onus is on the dev, in all such examples, to first thing verify with the 3rd parties that the tool/SDK/API in use is the latest most current version. You seem to have assumed that out of your conversation, and jumped right to using Apple's support channels first. A bad habit, if that's the case, and one that can often result in pushback.

Firebase Cloud Messaging can't receive message when updating from AppStore build but works on new install