App don't show in App Store search

My Mac app "ML Highlight" was released (marked as "ready to sale") in the App Store on Friday 7th. Since then, direct link to the app works but when I try to search the app name in the App Store I get no results and it's already 4 days since release.

Surprisingly when I write my surname in the search bar it shows the app in the results. Can there be some issue with the name containing word with only two characters or can it be something else ?

Here is the direct link to the app:
Hits/results via a search include apps that have a better weighted ranking than yours. As well, your app is new to the index.

Point is, until or unless your app weighs more, it will be so far down in the results as to appear invisible.

If you want your app(s) to float higher, you're going to have to work harder to promote them.

Welcome to the MAS.
I totally understand that but... when I search for my app name there are no results at all returned so being at the bottom of empty list shouldn’t be an issue in that case, am I right ?

Same issue :( Do you have any progress or response?

I have the same problem. I search my app by name and it does not appear.

Hi Duck, i see your app in search resault. Can u explain for me, how to fix it ? Thank.

App don't show in App Store search