ErrorCode=-7034 "Sign in with Apple" Not Working on Simulator - XCode 11.6, iPadMini 13.0

Since upgrading to XCode 11.6 earlier this week, "Sign in with Apple" doesn't work on any of my simulators. It worked before the upgrade and it STILL works on physical devices. I've tried with simulators v13.0 and v13.6 on iPad Mini 4 and iPad Air 3rd Gen and both failed. I've tried with iPad Pro 2 and iPad Mini 4 physical devices and both work.

On a freshly erased/reset simulator, I am first prompted to sign in via "Settings" - and that succeeds - but upon returning to the app, after entering my Apple ID and Password, I see an error message reporting a failed login. This occurs on my own app as well as the sample "Juice" app.

Code Block
2020-08-09 19:03:09.402574-0400 Juice[97346:888874] [core] Authorization failed: Error Domain=AKAuthenticationError Code=-7034 "(null)" UserInfo={}

I'm facing the same error. I have tried use a new simulator, other ios versions but all retries failed. I searched about Apple could have change some configuration on the Developer site but i have found none. And Apple reviewers are rejecting my app because they cannot use AppleId Login. Hope someone has a clue about how to get rid out of that error.
My team is facing the same issue. We found workaround by loggin in to appleid, and removing simulator from devices, and sign in with apple will work until you have to use it again, then you need to remvove simulator AGAIN.

I've been having this issue also. I had already found out that when removing simulator from my devices, sign in with apple would work. but it gets always reject by Apple reviewers because they are having same issue.

Or I just remove the device, upload app, and wait for approval?
Facing same problem, two weeks ago everything was working fine.. no idea how to fix it.
 removing simulator from my devices- what do you mean by that? go to and log in with your appleid credentials. Once you are logged in scroll down to Devices section,find the simulator you are using, click on it, and when popup appears, click on "Remove from account" button. Now open your simulator (you will be asked to confirm apple id password on your device), and try using "Sign in with Apple" functionality again. So this is just a short term solution, after a while you will need to repeat these steps.
My solution:
step 1: Signin My Apple ID in Setting
step 2: click AppleID -> Password & security -> Apps Using Your Apple ID -> Enter Two-factor authentication
step 3: Sign in Apple in my app
  • > work for me

Hope this helps!
The issue for me still remain with apple reviewing approval..
you suggest it is an apple bug? where can this be tracked?

My solution:
step 1: Signin My Apple ID in Setting
step 2: click AppleID -> Password & security -> Apps Using Your Apple ID -> Enter Two-factor authentication
step 3: Sign in Apple in my app work for me
Hope this helps!"

This also works, but from time to time you must repeat the process.

We are facing the same issue and we got rejected twice because of this. We tried every possible solution we were able to find and we think it's a problem related to Apple. They should fix this issue immediately. Waiting for official response. The solutions you guys suggest just solves the problem on developer computer, It doesn't help to Apple Review.

We are facing the same issue and we got rejected twice because of this. We tried every possible solution we were able to find and we think it's a problem related to Apple. They should fix this issue immediately. Waiting for official response. The solutions you guys suggest just solves the problem on developer computer, It doesn't help to Apple Review.

Has anyone been able to hear back from Apple or tried appealing the rejection to get feedback? Hoping to learn from others on how to avoid pitfalls before I do my own submission.
The solution above to Sign In with Apple ID in the simulator settings worked from me.

But to add some extra info, I then removed my app from the list of apps using Sign in with Apple ID. Then when I attempted to sign in again it worked fine.

Good luck!

My solution:
step 1: Signin My Apple ID in Setting
step 2: click AppleID -> Password & security -> Apps Using Your Apple ID -> Enter Two-factor authentication code
step 3: Sign in Apple in my app

This works but we shouldn't have to deal with it.

I've noticed that I run into this error when an Apple ID used to log into a Debug build is used in a different build such as Release. As in, I believe that the error is caused by Apple IDs attempting to associate with apps that have the same name, but in reality are running different builds.

I think that error is somehow produced by 2FA authentication failure.
None of these fixes worked for me. The app doesn't show up under password and security settings and the device doesn't show up under my appleid list. I am completely stuck. Goddam you apple.
Going to submit my app to apple. I have caught the exception and showing a popup to user to do those steps (Settings > Apple Id > Password & security > Apps using your apple id > 2FA )
I wonder if anyone here has got an app approved with just this handing ?
ErrorCode=-7034 "Sign in with Apple" Not Working on Simulator - XCode 11.6, iPadMini 13.0