macOS Big Sur beta - Finder Issues?

Finder -- Is anyone else having issues with Finder??

I literally can't interact with any folders on my desktop. I can't access my hard drive via a Finder window. In fact, I can't even interact with Finder's menu.

I'm having the same issue.
same issue on my MBA (2017). I've reset it twice. The first time was just after installing the second beta (when i first encountered this issue) and second is after a week of using big sur B2.
Yes, Finder is a mess on beta 1 and 2.
It's worse with Beta 8 - interacting with the file system is a nightmare. Saving a simple document can take 20mins.
Same issue. Beta 8. Finder and Spotlight unresponsive. Super slow 3mins to show folder contents 5mins to show options in spotlight.
macOS Big Sur beta - Finder Issues?