IOS 14 WiFi

Anyone experiencing issues with IOS 14 and wifi connectivity?
Same issue..
Same issue.
We have 5 iphones and 3 ipads in the house, plus several notebooks. Having wifi issues ONLY on IPHONES. Already removed private access, but still having issues. So annoying that I am seriously considering buying an android. I have to turn wifi off, turn on, wait few seconds to connect and then after few minutes, wifi connection is gone again.
Same issue!! Ever since the latest update I have been having connection issues with the wifi and it seems to be causing other devices to be interfered with too! Wifi lasts a few minutes until it disconnects itself, then it says it’s unable to connect to network for ages. Eventually it finally reconnects, lasts a few mins and disconnects again! This is ridiculous.
Yup! iPhone 12 mini performance being hugely impacted by the Wi-fi privacy ‘private address’ functionality being switched on. Also Wi-fi keeps dropping and reconnecting randomly. Switch ‘private address’ off and everything goes back to normal! I am becoming increasing frustrated by the number of issues I’ve experienced since getting the 12 mini, unsure as yet if these are software or hardware related...
I am using TP-link Archer AX50 AX3000 wifi router and there's serious connection issue after I updated my iOS to 14.4. Wonder if there's a solution to that.
Same problem here it’s booted my windows laptops as well 😒 and I can’t use wifi at uni anymore - .. Apple please sort this out..
I fixed my wi-fi after the 14. download... simple .. add your password to your wifi network-- it was removed with the download... your welcome iphone
There are no workaround solutions to the current wifi issue (other than switching to a brand other than apple). This issue has been going on over 6 months and apple has demonstrated that they do not know how to fix the problem. If they did they would have solved it in iOS 14.1,14.2,14.3,14.4 or the 14.5 beta. All of which have defective wifi programming.
Despite what anyone might say about having found the solution, this issue is not fixed by any steps that I have tried, and I have tried everything that anyone has suggested here. This is a bug in the driver in iPadOS, and possibly in iOS as well, although I have not experienced as much of a problem with my iPhone.

One of the odd things is that it seems like the problem gets worse over time. With my iPad 10" 2017 model it started off as a drop-out in streaming from time to time but progressively got worse until I had to re-connect the wifi connection every couple of minutes. Eventually I contacted Apple support and they agreed to replace this iPad and my replacement model is much better - but the symptoms are slowly getting worse again.

While the iPad was away I started using my iPad mini and that started off OK, but has progressively got worse and worse as well.

This is a weird issue but I am very disappointed that Apple have not dealt with it by now. It is always possible that they will never acknowledge that there is a problem and just silently fix it. It is even possible that the fix will be in the final version of 14.5 but I am not holding my breathe. They may either not recognise the problem exists or even may not know how to fix it!

Note that I have tried a number of different access points, and changed the settings on these various access points in various ways, and the symptoms remain exactly the same. I have also tried all the various suggested ways of fixing the issue by changing settings on the iPads. I have also ruled out an issue with any particular iPad as detailed above. I am therefore as sure as I can be that the problems are with iPadOS.
I can confirm that the third 14.5 beta does NOT fix the WiFi dropping issue.
I owned more than 8 apple products in my household, having this WIFI problem since 6 months ago, never really have the solution.

I love apple product but now I have decided to switch to android for more stable WIFI connectivity.

Any updates on this thread??

My phone auto updated and since the last update iOS 14 my WiFi continually drops.

I use it for work and it’s dropping out everywhere I go..(home, work, childminders etc..) so it can’t be the router as it’s happening everywhere! I have to constantly turn WiFi off and then back on again!

Are they fixing this issue do we know?
I had that issue disconnected always on wifi why?

I think I may finally have got to the bottom of the specific problems that I have been experiencing. I now do not think that it is an iPadOS problem (sorry for maligning it), but an issue with a rogue device creating a WiFi network that grossly interferes with the network created by my WiFi access points.

That device in my case is a SkyQ satellite TV box. The SkyQ system was introduced by Sky TV here in the UK (maybe also in some other territories?) in 2016. It has many features but one of the key ones is the ability to have Sky Q Mini boxes elsewhere in the house that connect back to the main box using WiFi. In order for this to operate the main box broadcasts a WiFi network.

Unfortunately this WiFi network is notorious for not playing well with other WiFi networks. It interferes because it transmits a very broad 80MHz signal (for maximum throughput) which saturates the bands which other devices use. The effect of this is that the connection for other devices to their network drops from time to time and has to be re-established. Why exactly this happens I don't know, particularly as I do not have any mini boxes in my house - maybe the main box broadcasts a signal from time to time to see if there is anything else out there (pure speculation on my part)?

It is possible to switch off the WiFi signal through a hidden function in the SkyQ boxes settings - navigate to settings and when the highlight is sitting on Settings (before pressing select) type 001 and then press select. That takes you into a hidden menu where you can disable the WiFi. Unfortunately this apparently disables the whole WiFi functionality, not just broadcast, so if the box is connected to the router using a WiFi connection this will be disabled and you must use ethernet for that connection. Not a problem for me as I use ethernet (much better of course) anyway.

The end result of disabling the SkyQ WiFi is that my problems have magically gone away, and for the first time for a long while internet access from my iPads seems to be back to normal with no interruptions.

I wish I had worked this out sooner, but partly because I don't use any of the WiFi functionality of my SkyQ box (no mini boxes, ethernet backhaul) it just didn't occur to me that it could be the problem.

I therefore suggest that anyone experiencing similar problems looks into the possibility of interference with the operation of their WiFi network, with the SkyQ box (or similar) foremost as a possibility if you have one installed.

I can confirm that IOS 14.4.1 does NOT fix the wifi dropping issue :(
I bought a new ipad last week ios14.1 8th generation, the wifi keeps dropping, if i had known this before hand I wouldn't have bought it, I taught it was an issue with my router but my dads ipad I think it's the first generation is working fine and my our android phones are also fine so now I have a brand new ipad that I can't use

I am upon disappointed with Apple with this. Was told it must be my internet provider but reading what everyone else has written I too have been experiencing the same things on all our updated Apple devices and that’s about 5 too many! Connectivity issues. Wifi disconnecting constantly. Dropping calls on phone saying no cellular service wifi not connected dropping service. Apple told me reset my device. It’s not just one device. It’s my computer my husbands laptop iPhones and I pad. Only Mac working right is the one NOT updated! Maybe Apple should scrap 14 and improve iOS 13. Nothing but headaches and I can’t even work effectively from home now because of it. I want all my money back APPLE from all my devices so I can buy ones that are stable. NOT APPLE PRODUCTS I guess. On going Issue for months and no solution.
I would seriously urge everyone experiencing these problems to look deeply into the possibility that some other rogue WiFi sources (or some other radio interference) are interfering with your signal. I was absolutely convinced that it was my device until I found out that it was my Sky Q box, as detailed in my post above.

Having switched off the Sky Q box's transmissions my problems have totally ceased - everything is totally rock solid now and very fast and reliable. It was hard for me to believe that the Sky box could be so badly interfering with other WiFi devices but clearly it has not been developed to be compatible with other WiFi transmissions, and there are a number of threads on other boards relating this issue.

If you are located in the UK then there is a good chance that you or your neighbour might have a Sky Q box. If you are not in the UK then it may be some other device.

Try searching for this thread on for an idea of how many people have this issue (I can't include the URL because this board doesn't permit it):

Sky Q-interferes-with-Internet-causing-slowdown-and-latency-A-Solution

There is no resolution reported in 23 pages of posts except turning off the Sky Q WiFi network.

I am not saying absolutely that this is your problem, but I would bet that in many cases it or something similar is at the root of it.
I can’t believe I paid 1k for a phone that has problems with the most basic function. Worst of all, it has been months already and Apple hasn’t done anything to try to fix this.
Once again, please take seriously the possibility that your problem is caused by external interference rather than a problem with your iPhone or iPad. Although initially I thought that this must a problem with my device rather than the WiFi network because of the symptoms, I have to retract that belief given how completely the symptoms have been resolved once I found their true cause.

I also find it very hard to believe that there is a fundamental issue with the WiFi functionality of these devices - Apple has a lot of extremely capable engineers, and if there really were an issue this far-reaching then I am sure that they would have addressed it by now. The lack of a "fix" in any of the many recent OS updates suggests that there is nothing actually wrong.

Does your device show the same symptoms if you try and access a WiFi network in a totally different location from where you primarily use it? If it is fine elsewhere then it is not a problem with the device but is an issue at your primary location.

I had tried changing my router and access points at my primary location to fix my problem with no effect - because it was not a problem with any of these. It was a different device at my location that was causing the problem by interfering with the devices creating my WiFi network. Look for that! Seriously.
@Coatimundi I am glad you were able to fix your wifi. It is most likely you were not experiencing the same issue that we are discussing in this forum in the first place.
There is most definitely a problem with some of apple’s wifi modules and iOS 14.
The issue occurs no matter where I am and on any wifi connection. It only affects apple devices that use a wifi module from a specific provider. For example my IPad Air and iPad Pro have different wifi modules, and the iPad air is totally functional without any issues (in the same location and network). The iPad Pro has a newer wifi module and has been acting up ever since installing iOS 14. I have used this same iPad for 4 years and it never had an issue until installing iOS 14.
The specific issue we are discussing is this. You shut your iPad and when you go to reopen it, the wifi “appears” to be on, but it is unresponsive. The only way to get it working again is to turn off wifi and turn it back on. This is not normal and not caused by interference. If there was interference it should be affecting my android and windows devices as well, which it is not.
My ISP modem software also automatically selects the wifi band with the least amount of interference. And I have ruled that out as an issue.
This is an apple problem. It is too much of a coincidence that all these problems became so widespread after people upgraded to iOS 14.
To the apple developers please do not stop looking for a solution to this problem.

I had my wifi, airdrop, hotspot, bluetooth disabled after updating to iOS 14.4.1. I did factory reset for network and phone, restart, contact support but nothing worked. Using data is very hard at my location and I rely on wifi to do the data downloads.
My iphone7 updated automatically to iOS 14.4.1 overnight.
Im now having major problems with connecting to any Wifi router.
WhatsApp and Youtube apps cannot connect AT ALL to Wifi or 4G mobile signals.
My iphone now cant connect to my home router.
I have tried all the recommended fixes (as listed here on previous threads).
Ive resorted to using my older iphone and am seriously considering Android!
This issue seems to have been ongoing for months.
I dont know how to proceed!
when I leave the house And get back, the iPhone is not connected to my home network though “join automatically “ option is on
IOS 14 WiFi