Why is my provisioning profile failing qualification?

I am ready to upload my app from Xcode to App Store Connect. I am using Xcode 11.50 to archive my application. Yesterday, I used Xcode 12 Beta to upload the app, which worked fine at first, but noticed that App Store Connect is not accepting binaries from Xcode 12 Beta.

I used Xcode 11.50 today and I keep getting this error while validating my app:

Provisioning profile failed qualification: Profile doesn't include the com.apple.application-identifier and com.apple.developer.aps-enviornment entitlements.

Provisioning profile failed qualification: Profile doesn't include the com.apple.application-identifier entitlement.

What exactly do these errors mean? How can I fix them?

Answered by chodges in 614894022
I'm having the same problem as you. And in my Xcode project I do have the entitlements Capability added. Its been there since I started the project over a year ago. So there's definitely something else going on. Xcode 12 must have changed something in the project that is messing up using it with Xcode 11.5.

The com.apple.developer.aps-environment entitlement issue stems from not having the push notification entitlement in the entitlements file. You can add this by opening the project in Xcode, selecting the project in the Project Navigator, then selecting the "Signing & Capabilities" tab for your iOS Target. Once here, click the + button to add a new entitlement and select the "Push Notification" entitlement.

As far as the com.apple.application-identifier issue goes: Double check to make sure that the bundle identifier and the version numbers aren't placed in the wrong spots in the Info.plist file.
Accepted Answer
I'm having the same problem as you. And in my Xcode project I do have the entitlements Capability added. Its been there since I started the project over a year ago. So there's definitely something else going on. Xcode 12 must have changed something in the project that is messing up using it with Xcode 11.5.

I'm running into the same issue with Xcode 11.5 on Big Sur 11.0 Beta (20A4299v).

I've verified that have the Push Notifications capability and my bundle identifier, version number and build numbers are all correct.
Same errors. Only happened after downloading xcode 12 beta.
Same here. Some solution? All capabilities are added. Still have same problem. Provisioning profile failed qualification message when I tried to upload. They says "Profile doesn't include the com.apple.application-identifier and com.apple.developer.aps-environment entitlements."
Same here... but the Mac version of the app in the same Xcode project just worked fine. Only an issue with the iOS version of the app.
Same problem here... Running Big Sur and downloaded xcode 12. The problem seems to be marked as resolved, but I do not see a solution in the replies. Am I missing something? :)
Same here... I am running Big Sur and downloaded Xcode 12. Any solution yet?
We are experiencing the same issues on Big Sur after having installed Xcode 12 beta (but using 11.5 to compile and attempt to distribute)
Same problem here!
MacOS: Big Sure
XCode 12 beta error code: "An error occurred uploading to the App Store."
XCode 11.5 error code: "Profile doesn't include the com.apple.application-identifier and com.apple.developer.aps-environment entitlements."

Upload doesn't work!
Same error here. I installed Xcode 12 and now Xcode 11.5 can't finish build with fastlane
  1. Install the "Transporter" app from the MacOS app store.

  2. From Xcode's organizer, select your archive and press "Distribute App"

  3. Instead of "Upload", select "Export" and proceed as usual.

  4. Drop the exported .ipa into the transporter and press "Deliver".

Unfortunately, it only works with this detour... I hope I was able to help someone with it.

There is the same Problem it dosen't work
i tested it with
Xcode 12 beta -> Worked
Xcode 11.5 -> not working
@Aiiboo, you are right!! Archive with Xcode 12, select export and upload with Transporter. My app is processing now in TestFlight! Thanks!

TestFlight working yes, but if u want to send it to apple then u get a Binary error:
"ITMS-90111: Invalid Toolchain - Your app was built with a beta version of Xcode or SDK."

then I did this:
  1. Install the "Transporter" app from the MacOS app store.

  2. OPEN Xcode 11.5 archive your project

  3. Close Xcode 11.5 -> Command + Q

  4. Open then Xcode 12 Beta

  5. From Xcode's organizer, select your archive and press "Distribute App"

  6. Instead of "Upload", select "Export" and proceed as usual.

  7. Drop the exported .ipa into the transporter and press "Deliver".

And its Work! that's my last Update developers
I wish u a nice weekend

Check @Abenx answer here https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/650438 It worked for me.

This is an issue with running Xcode 11 on macOS Big Sur. Please use MacOS 10.15 to upload using Xcode 11.
I'm running macOS Big Sur and X Code 12 beta, I uploaded my app to the App Store but Apple told me it was an invalid build, very confusing.

Anyway, as others have said, Build with 11.5 then Archive / Upload with 12 beta. Thanks
The provisioning issue affecting app uploads from Xcode 11.5 on macOS Big Sur is due to a bug in macOS. In the meantime, uploading apps from Xcode 11.5 requires macOS Catalina.
Thank you

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Why is my provisioning profile failing qualification?