iOS 14 Beta Battery drain on iPhone 6s

I have installed the beta iOS 14 on my iPhone 6s and the battery drains pretty fast
Same here. My phone is 8.
I upgraded to ios14.2
My phone is on and off anytime by itself. And battery ran out very fast and my phone is very hot.
My iPhone 6s drains ridiculously fast after installing iOS 14.2. Can go from 100% to 0 in 2 hours. It looks like Mail background activity is the biggest user. My 6s plus also drains very fast with iOS 14.2 but doesn’t have the radical depletion like the 6s. It is still horrible.
I wish i'd seen the notices a while back to not install these updates.. I updated to 14.2 and now i'm having to charge my Iphone 7 nearly 3 times a day since the update. This is attrocious. there needs to be an option to revert to previous ios versions when things like this happen. i love my iphones, but this is not acceptable, and i do not have the time to spend hours reseting my phone. is there a fix incoming for this issue? or are we stuck with the stock answer of reset your phone.

  1. final. XS fresh install, no apps only preinstalled. Apple iCloud mail. Push.

In 12 hours with absolutely no using phone drop was 34 percent. Means, fully charged phone will die in 1,5 day even without using it. This is ridiculous.
iPhone 7 Plus, my use is very light.
The battery lasted me over two days.
Obviously after a few years it began to decrease in duration.
So I changed the battery in a service center and went back to almost 2 days.
Now, since ios 14, it's collapsed!
Very minimal use, almost zero, and I don't get to a day.

Another iPhone 7 affected, before update I've finished the day with about 40% battery remaining. After update I have to recharge battery in about 7 hours.

This is the renewal program for new iPhones?
I instaled 14.2 on 6s and same problem. Battery drain for 2 hours!!! I was think about fast resolve this bug, but now I see that I have to buy Android. This is very unserious by Apple.
iPhone 7. Hardly use it throughout the day. Usually have 40% battery left at end of day. Downloaded 14.2 this morning and I'm already on my second charge for the day. My phone is essentially worthless.
I’ve also noticed this HUGE power drain after installing 14.2. Also, the phone overheats, so much, the the screen dims like it does when you leave the phone in the sun at the beach for longer than reasonable. Clearly, something is making the processor work overtime and overheat both draining the battery as well as heating it up. R.
My3-4 y/o iPad Pro is experiencing battery overheating and rapid drain since installing iOS 14.1. In less than two hours of just low-bandwidth activities I’ve gone from a 100% overnight charge to 64% and dropping. What is happening, and when will we see a fix?? This is completely unacceptable, just days ago I used to be able to go a full day on my overnight charge! And the heat coming off the back of my iPad really worries me!
Same problem here i can see my battery drain from 90% to 60% in minutes sometimes when it’s at 1% will last for 1 hour’s all after the last update I always wait few months before i do any updates but not this time and no if apples don’t fix it not buying new iphones my iphone is 6s
And random shuts down restart really
Good buy Iphone if not fix
I also faced the same problem even after installing iOS 14.2.
But everything seems to be solved just when I Changed my sim card.
Please change your sim card to see If the problem still remains or not.
I have an iPhone 8. It worked perfectly fine till the iOS 14.1 update. Now the battery drains really fast. Before the update I would easily make it through the day. Now it drains in about 2 hours, while the iPhone is in flightmode (!) just playing some offline music. Before the update it would only use 5-10% of the battery with this kind of usage in this timeframe.
Same with my iPhone SE , tho I have noticed my iPhone works for an 1-3 hours with a 1% battery left
iPhone X user, recently updated to iOS 14, also experiencing battery drain.
iOS 14 Beta Battery drain on iPhone 6s